Five Steps to Integrating Your Blog, Social Media, and Email Marketing

Five Steps to Integrating Your Blog, Social Media, and Email Marketing. Although 95% of marketers say they know how vital multi-channel marketing is for targeting potential customers, only 14% say they run coordinated marketing campaigns across all channels, according to How do you unify efforts with different team members, initiatives, and strategies for your blog, email, and social media marketing? First, define your goals at the top level and then down to individual channels as part of your overall content marketing strategy. When defining the goals for your blog content, email marketing, and social media marketing, take into consideration how each channel will support, promote and work with the others. Define how the team will promote your social campaigns via email, for example, and how you'll use your social channels to distribute a new blog post. Social. Email. Step 4: Have the team(s) sync regularly When you've integrated the plans for all your marketing channels, you also need to make sure your team is just as unified. * * * These steps guarantee your teams will better understand each marketing channel and how they can work together to contribute to the overall content marketing strategy.

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Although 95% of marketers say they know how vital multi-channel marketing is for targeting potential customers, only 14% say they run coordinated marketing campaigns across all channels, according to That disconnect wastes marketers’ two most valuable resources: time and money.

How do you unify efforts with different team members, initiatives, and strategies for your blog, email, and social media marketing? You need to come up with a content marketing strategy that accounts for each channel.

The following five steps will lead to the creation of a cohesive cross-functional marketing plan.

Step 1: Define your goals

Successful content marketers document their content marketing strategy; yet, only 32% of B2B marketers do so, according to the 2016 Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report from MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute.

First, define your goals at the top level and then down to individual channels as part of your overall content marketing strategy. Among those high-level goals might be the following:

  • To generate leads
  • To build brand awareness
  • To increase engagement
  • To boost followers

Both defining and documenting goals are crucial for enterprise organizations, where distributing projects among several teams often ends with the creation of silos. A documented bird’s-eye view keeps everyone’s eye on the bigger picture.

When defining the goals for your blog content, email marketing, and social media marketing, take into consideration how each channel will support, promote and work with the others. Define how the team will promote your social campaigns via email, for example, and how you’ll use your social channels to distribute a new blog post.

Step 2: Set brand and editorial guidelines

Establish the guidelines and processes that will enable your team to produce consistent content. All your messaging should look and sound as if it’s from the same brand—because it is—regardless of which channel it’s pushed through or which marketing specialist wrote it.

Though tone, mood, and topic may somewhat vary for each channel (for example, social media might be more lighthearted than other marketing channels, and email might be more sales-oriented than your blog), your brand voice should stay consistent. After all, it’s been carefully crafted to appeal to your customers and evoke certain feelings.

Develop guidelines for brand content and establish editorial standards. Guidelines should dictate things like tone, style, and format, so anyone at your organization can create on-brand content. Include do’s and don’ts and examples of on-brand writing.

Brand and editorial guidelines help your brand voice to become recognizable to your audience and ensure consistency across campaigns and channels.