AI in Marketing: 4 Crazy Myths You Need To Stop Believing

AI in Marketing: 4 Crazy Myths You Need To Stop Believing

Here we will break down the misconceptions many marketers have that keep them from adopting artificial intelligence to enhance every step of their customer journey. To get there, AI is a must. So, instead of killing jobs as some anticipate, what’s more plausible is marketers working alongside AI, which will help them achieve unprecedented levels of personalization and deliver the most immersive and seamless experiences for the consumers. You must use AI everywhere. Once you've been able to implement AI successfully in these channels, add to it. The truth is, it’s not just corporate giants that can benefit by implementing AI -- it can help small businesses make their marketing more targeted and cut their costs in the long run too. To use AI, CMOs need a technical background. Similarly, every marketer can use artificial intelligence even if they don't have technical skills. The only thing CMOs need to make AI work for them is an AI-enabled marketing platform. Marketers who refrain from artificial intelligence because they don't have a technical background are missing out on opportunities that smart marketers are already mastering and driving ROI from.

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CrowdAI sells artificial-intelligence-as-a-service
AI in Marketing: 4 Crazy Myths You Need To Stop Believing

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Lately, AI-powered marketing has been a buzzword across the world. And while the whole marketing world is talking about it, a recent study finds that AI adoption in marketing is limited by marketers. Why? Because it is still quite new within the marketing landscapes and in all the buzzing excitement, many marketers are still suspicious of it.

Here we will break down the misconceptions many marketers have that keep them from adopting artificial intelligence to enhance every step of their customer journey.

1. It will kill marketer’s job.

No, on the contrary, it will enhance it. What a customer expects from businesses these days is personalization. They want every interaction with brands to be more personalized. To get there, AI is a must. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, marketers can deliver fast, personalized service to their shoppers, taking their shopping experience to whole new level. But AI won’t work on its own. Crafting marketing strategies and the right messages for every customer will still be the marketers’ job. So, instead of killing jobs as some anticipate, what’s more plausible is marketers working alongside AI, which will help them achieve unprecedented levels of personalization and deliver the most immersive and seamless experiences for the consumers. Just like AI won’t kill tech jobs, it won’t kill marketer jobs either — machines will always need humans.

AI-powered tools are not the replacement for marketers but can help CMOs take their marketing to another level.

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