Can A Salesperson Really Think Like a Marketer?

Can A Salesperson Really Think Like a Marketer?

Occasionally, I hear from salespeople who read the book and acted on the advice and the story is always the same – it’s a lot of work but the payoff is worth it. My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Scott Ingram, Strategic Account Manager at Relationship One and host of the Sales Success Stories Podcast. Scott contacted me after reading and applying the ideas from the book and our interview is a testament to his application. A true Austinite, he always wears his Rickshaw boots while remaining a data geek with his constant Fitbit data retrieval. Questions I ask Scott Ingram: How can people effectively reach out on Linkedin? What does it mean to think like a marketer? What you’ll learn if you give a listen: How to involve customers in telling your story Why you need to provide benefits before you even start the sales conversation Why content is an incredible asset for sales people Key takeaways from the episode and more about Scott Ingram: Learn more about Relationship One. Like this show? If so, you may want to check out the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network. It is a growing group of independent marketing consultants and agencies that are partnering and collaborating using the Duct Tape Marketing tools, and really scaling their businesses.

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I wrote a book titled Duct Tape Selling – Think like a marketer, sell like a superstar.

Occasionally, I hear from salespeople who read the book and acted on the advice and the story is always the same – it’s a lot of work but the payoff is worth it.

My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Scott Ingram, Strategic Account Manager at Relationship One and host of the Sales Success Stories Podcast. He and I discuss why it’s important for sales and marketing teams to have a positive relationship and how they can work hand-in-hand.

Scott contacted me after reading and applying the ideas from the book and our interview is a testament to his application.

Ingram is no stranger to marketing technology. He’s been in the space since 2009 and joined Eloqua in 2011. After writing a…