Connecting Content to Measurable Business Outcomes

Connecting Content to Measurable Business Outcomes

I recently passed my six-month mark at Contently. In my very first post on The Content Strategist, I wrote this: The biggest challenge facing content marketing is also its greatest opportunity. How do we connect each piece of content to a specific business outcome? In content marketing, ROI means many things to many people. The responsibility for content can reside with every team from comms to social to digital to brand. It’s no wonder then that the measures for success vary greatly. Others care about all three simultaneously. I’m very excited to announce The Accountable Content Series, a new program from Contently designed to explore this concept in detail. Sure, there’s lots of attention given to how an individual piece of content performs, but that’s only part of the story (pun intended!). We envision each asset as a piece to a puzzle to help increase your company’s efficiency and efficacy so you keep improving.

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I recently passed my six-month mark at Contently. In my very first post on The Content Strategist, I wrote this:

The biggest challenge facing content marketing is also its greatest opportunity. How do we connect each piece of content to a specific business outcome?

In content marketing, ROI means many things to many people. The responsibility for content can reside with every team from comms to social to digital to brand. It’s no wonder then that the measures for success vary greatly. Some strive for brand awareness or lead generation or organizational efficiency. Others care about all three simultaneously. But regardless of the unique circumstances, everyone shares the same overarching objective: accountability. We often hear from passionate content professionals who struggle to evangelize the importance (read: value) of content up the ladder or across their organizations.

I’m very excited to announce The Accountable Content Series, a new program from Contently designed to explore this concept in detail. The series aims to help marketers understand how content can deliver measurable brand impact and business outcomes. We decided to focus on four key themes: