Content repurposing, which is ultimately using one idea or piece of content to make several different content pieces, is really the hidden gem of online marketing. Not only is this kind of content generation great for SEO, but it is also extremely valuable for online businesses looking to make the most of their marketing efforts. WordStream points out that content repurposing does not just mean making the most of your efforts in content development, but also in helping you reach a new audience and bringing back content-favorites and successes. You may already realize that different social media platforms reach different audiences in terms of content sharing, but the way that content is presented can also have a big impact on the kind of audience that it targets. Make a Video YouTube and Vimeo have become extremely popular platforms for hosting videos online. One of the most productive ways to repurpose content is actually turning your blog post into a video. Since many people prefer watching videos to reading content, you are also setting yourself up for an expanded audience. Visual Presentation Slides Using a platform like SlideShare (popular with LinkedIn and other social media sharing sites) you can use you content as a starting point for visual presentations. Turning your content into this specific format can allow people to take in the information at their own pace in a visually appealing way. Each piece of content is going to have different potential—some may be able to be repurposed seven different ways, while you may only get three out of another.
Every marketer and small business owner knows how much time and effort goes into a piece of content.
It isn’t just writing a blog post—it is coming up with the idea, researching, developing, linking, keyword optimizing, and finally posting and promoting even after the article is live.
Coming up with a theme alone can be challenging, so why not get five or even ten pieces of content out of a single idea?
Content repurposing, which is ultimately using one idea or piece of content to make several different content pieces, is really the hidden gem of online marketing. Not only is this kind of content generation great for SEO, but it is also extremely valuable for online businesses looking to make the most of their marketing efforts.
Once they spend time and effort developing a piece of content, they can use it as a launching point for other types of content that can be easily generated.
WordStream points out that content repurposing does not just mean making the most of your efforts in content development, but also in helping you reach a new audience and bringing back content-favorites and successes.
Let’s look a those two aspects a little more closely:
- Reach a Different Audience. You may already realize that different social media platforms reach different audiences in terms of content sharing, but the way that content is presented can also have a big impact on the kind of audience that it targets. For example, some users may be more likely to watch a video, while others benefit from an infographic or a webinar. By using the same message across multiple platforms in different forms you are expanding your target audience based on consumption preferences.
- Use Oldies but Goodies! Sometimes content is just a hit and the kind of success a text piece gets exceeds expectations. If a particular piece of blog content got a lot of shares, likes, and comments, this is a good sign that you should think about repurposing it. While you can start repurposing a piece of content as soon as you post it, there is something to be said for dusty content that got a lot of attention a few months ago. Go with what you think your followers will enjoy in a different format.
Turning Text into Something New & Different
As mentioned above, you can begin to repurpose content as soon as you post it to your blog, or use something you posed a while back that gained a lot of attention.
They key is not necessarily what content you choose to repurpose, as much as it is about turning it in to something new and different….