Customer Reviews Are The New Content Marketing

Customer Reviews Are The New Content Marketing

Content marketing and customer reviews have historically been thought of as very different. Content marketing is largely pre-purchase and focuses on education and persuasion (sometimes, entertainment). Trustpilot is a platform for companies to solicit and display consumer feedback. This new API makes it a very simple process, and combines social proof (customer reviews) with video (the most engaging mode of content marketing). This is a very smart move, as one of the shortcomings of most consumer ratings/reviews content is that it isn’t video. You have to read G2 Crowd. And heretofore, you had to read Trustpilot. But now, smart companies can cherry-pick their most adoring customer reviews and swiftly turn them into organic or paid social video — or longer form content marketing on their websites or Youtube. But with this integration, Trustpilot is wisely providing the option to turn persuasive reviews into content marketing, and doing so in a format than can be targeted and “pushed” instead of relying on consumers to go visit a website. But this and Trustpilot integration takes the idea a step farther, as explicit customer reviews are more trusted and persuasive than any one photograph.

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Content marketing and customer reviews have historically been thought of as very different. Content marketing is largely pre-purchase and focuses on education and persuasion (sometimes, entertainment). Customer reviews are, by definition, post-purchase and focus on customer experience.

But as Mark Schaefer points out in Marketing Rebellion, large swaths of potential customers aren’t reachable by companies in any meaningful way — with content or by any other means — but they most definitely are reachable by each other.

We trust each other more than we trust businesses. This is a known fact. Which is why the balance of power in marketing is shifting away from companies tooting their own horn, and toward customers doing the tooting, via user-generated content (UGC), online reviews, and influencer marketing.

And that’s why an announcement this week from and Trustpilot underscores one of the biggest trends we’ll see in marketing in the next three years: Customer Reviews Are the New Content Marketing. is a tool for making quality marketing videos with less effort. Trustpilot is a platform for companies to solicit and display consumer feedback. Trustpilot also maintains a website that collects and displays all of those reviews.

In this new integration, customers will be able to identify and incorporate specific consumer reviews into their marketing videos with just a click or two.

Want to create a cool Instagram story about your new product and feature opinions from actual customers who have already bought…