I decided to learn how to write content that connects with people. I got 614 subscribers in my first month of writing and 420 more in May with just 5 blog posts. Interesting The 3 types of blog posts that get read are usually the following: Useful ones that show you how to achieve something Entertaining ones that keep your audience amused or hooked Stuff that is trending like major events in a certain period No matter which angle you approach while writing your content you must make it interesting. The reader should feel like they are discovering something together with the writer. The key is to bring your own personal touch. Your readers need a framework they can start implementing right away. See what people are asking for. Go on Buzzsumo and type your interest in the search box and see what the most shared blog posts are related to that topic. Wrap To create content that connects with your audience, implement these elements in your writing process. After I grew my e-mail list I decided to start my own blog where I have all my posts in one place.

The first thing I thought to myself was “Yeah right! As if I have anything useful to share with anyone”.
Fast forward a couple of years down the road and I find myself writing a blog post that grew my e-mail list from 0 to 1000 within two months.
And here is how I started.

When I first did some research on how to start a blog that people would actually want to read, most of it was tactics. How to set up a blog, SEO guidelines and headline copy. There was no clear guideline on how to write hardcore value that brings a unique perspective.
I decided to learn how to write content that connects with people. I did this by experimenting on multiple online platforms such as Quora, Medium, and Reddit.
I made sure that in my signature I would link to a newsletter that people could sign up to. I did this using the Tiny Letter tool. After I broke the 1000 subscribers milestone I decided to shift to MailChimp.
I got 614 subscribers in my first month of writing and 420 more in May with just 5 blog posts. I didn’t focus on SEO. I didn’t focus on spamming my work all over social media. I just wrote until I found a formula where I use psychology and powerful storytelling techniques that help me understand my audience and connect better with their needs.
I did this by incorporating these 6 elements in most of my blog posts.

Every time before I publish I check if I have these elements present. Below you will find a more detailed description of each.
1. Interesting
The 3 types of blog posts that get read are usually the following:
- Useful ones that show you how to achieve something
- Entertaining ones that keep your audience amused or hooked
- Stuff that is trending like major events in a certain period
No matter which angle you approach while writing your content you must make it interesting. The key is to tell a story. Wrap it up in a personal experience. Present it as a journey. The reader should feel like they are discovering something together with the writer.
2. Needed
Is your content something that solves an urgent need? Or is it just something that’s nice to know.
Learning how to knit gloves might be more important for someone living in Alaska than someone who is living in Hawaii.
Learning how to do yoga might not be that important when your target demographics are more interested in…