Going viral: The top social media marketing columns of 2016

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Social media has the power to change the very fabric of our society, and nowhere was that more evident than with this year’s presidential election — with its wild proliferation of fake news and with candidates trading political barbs on Facebook and Twitter. But now that the election is in the rearview mirror, it’s time to take a look at the social media trends that reigned in 2016 and how marketers reacted to them.

It’s no surprise that Facebook dominated our columnists’ headlines this year; with over 1.18 billion daily active users, it’s hard to tune out the social media megabeast. Our columnists looked at the Facebook trends and strategies that mattered the most to our readers, from managing negative postings on the social network to using Facebook’s Audience Network.

But while Facebook continued to be king for marketers this year, other social channels were still top of mind. Our readers were keen to learn more about everything from Yelp tips for business owners to creative best practices for Instagram advertising.

Of course, even the savviest social media marketers aren’t going to get very far if they can’t hold their audience’s attention. Engagement was a hot topic among our readers, as marketers sought to understand why it’s dropping across social channels and how to fight back to get more likes, shares and comments on posts.

For these stories and more, check out our top 10 social media marketing columns of…