How to write copy that sells — 3 basics to improve your copy

How to write copy that sells — 3 basics to improve your copy

Author: Susanna Rantanen / Source: Medium As entrepreneurs we write tons of copy. I love writing and I write all the time — not just mark

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As entrepreneurs we write tons of copy. I love writing and I write all the time — not just marketing or sales collateral, but to organize my thoughts and ideas. Every time I write business copy, like this blog post, I think a lot about how to write it in a way that you as a reader get value out of it.

I think a lot about how to write copy that sells.

I’ve put a fair amount of time into studying writing and wanted to share with you some of the basic ideas and concepts I’be learned about how to write copy that sells.

What types of copy entrepreneurs write?

Just in case you are unfamiliar with the term “copy”, it refers to written text. The entrepreneurial copy takes different formats and serves a wide variety of purposes. We write sales material, proposals, presentations, instructions, manuals, guide books, service descriptions, our website texts, contracts, proposals, job adverts, press releases, blog posts.. you name it.

Here’s the thing: all the copy we write as entrepreneurs is business copy. And there one thing for sure: it is intended to be read by someone. And that someone is the target audience you and I must define first. Your key target audience for your copy are your customer audience and your talent audience. Get to know them a little bit better and figure out what types of problems and questions they have in relation to your business. That’s the starting point.

Any other kind of copy is a waste of time from business perspective.

How to write copy that sells?

(1) Select a discoverable title for your online copy

The title I stole for this blog post is from the Social Media Marketing World 2017 conference I just attended in San Diego. Some of the following content has been inspired and confirmed during a session with a same title by @rayedwards.

The following points work for all types of content we write for business, but for all your online content, you must pay attention to the title you select for your copy.

Trust me, people do not just accidentally swim to your website. You must make your content discoverable. With a copy, it starts with the title.

Titles are difficult. A title that helps you copy…