Retain Your Talent: Why Video Is Valuable To Your Content Strategy

Retain Your Talent: Why Video Is Valuable To Your Content Strategy

Author: John Hall / Source: Forbes Shutterstock No matter how advanced technology becomes and how it shapes the world of digital PR and

This Week in Content Marketing: Content + Audience for the Win
There’s No Good Marketing Without Good Content Marketing
Craft a Deliciously Effective Content Marketing Strategy with a Farm-to-Table Approach

No matter how advanced technology becomes and how it shapes the world of digital PR and content marketing, I believe one thing will always be true: Your company needs talented, high-performing employees to help you innovate and lead your industry.

It’s not enough to hire talented people, though. You have to actually retain them. A good strategy is to train employees so well they could leave but treat them well enough that they never really want to. Part of doing that well means actively engaging them, challenging them, and helping them feel rooted in your company and its mission.

How do you do that? Well, if you’re doing digital marketing right, the answer is probably already in front of you.

The Right Content for the Job

The content strategy your marketing team uses to help your brand build influence, generate leads, and grow as a leader in your space can also be used as a recruiting strategy. That’s because marketing isn’t limited to one department anymore, and you can actually use the content from marketing to speak to all kinds of audiences: current employees and future recruits included.

And you don’t have to use only written content, either, though that’s definitely going to be easier for your team to scale. A Vidyard study on the state of video marketing revealed that more than 90 percent of marketers said video content is important, and more than 2 in 3 participants surveyed planned to increase their budgets for video content creation.

If you want to grow your company and retain those employees, then pairing your team with video content might be a solution. Here are three ways to help your team get started bringing marketing’s content into the HR fold:

1. Embrace new platforms and emerging technology to help.

Referrals can usually be a solid resource for your recruitment. But, just as you probably don’t rely only on word-of-mouth marketing, you shouldn’t rely on just your employees to spread the word about your company.

Targeted ad campaigns, job boards, and even email campaigns are pretty common tactics to speak to audience members who could be interested in working for you, but…