Social media: Deadhead your marketing if you want your business to grow

Social media: Deadhead your marketing if you want your business to grow. This might sound like a pessimistic way to celebrate the season, but in doing so I was reminded of how much I loved my flowers. For those unfamiliar (as I was), this simply means removing dead flower heads from a plant to encourage further blooming. New features on new social networks. Doing everything — engaging on every social network and creating every form of content — as if they were arbitrary items on some checklist. Like the expired bud taking up space and preventing new blooms, we need to deadhead our marketing regularly to encourage growth. Deadheading your marketing is a little harder. To know if your marketing is working, you have to know what it’s supposed to be doing. To deadhead your marketing, you have to do one simple thing from here: Stop doing the stuff that isn’t working. For smarter marketing — to do more of what works — you may need to start by doing less.

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Nick Westergaard

This past week we set our clocks back and settled into the fall
season. I celebrated by throwing my front porch flowers away.

This might sound like a pessimistic way to celebrate the season,
but in doing so I was reminded of how much I loved my flowers. We
have a big front porch and each year — to celebrate the arrival of
spring — I immediately check off my gardening for the season by
going to Lowes and buying a couple of moss or coco-fiber hanging
baskets of flowers.

That’s it. That’s as green as my thumb gets beyond watering them
each day.

Based on the advice of a helpful garden center employee, I also
deadhead them regularly. For those unfamiliar (as I was), this
simply means removing dead flower heads from a plant to encourage
further blooming. In thinking about this practice, it seems that
many could benefit from deadheading their marketing as well.

The Overgrown Marketing Plan

In our current fast-paced, constantly evolving digital marketing
ecosystem, it’s easy to fall prey to shiny new things. New social
networks. New features. New features on new social networks.
Oooooh! Shiny! “Look at what you can do on Snapchat now!”

That’s not to say that these innovations aren’t amazing. They

The danger is when we start engaging in checklist marketing.
Doing everything — engaging on every social network and creating
every form of content — as if they were arbitrary items on some
