Social Media Video Marketing: Best Practices

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So you’ve made an explainer video. Congrats! You’ve even put it on your homepage. You’ve taken a huge first step in changing how customers find you and how your sales and marketing teams reach new clients.

The only question now is, “How are you going to promote your video on social media?”

Social Media Video Marketing

Make no mistake—creating a great video is only the first step in your new video marketing strategy. And FYI, the second step isn’t “Tweet video link then take a nap.” Getting a return on your investment with a quality video is all about a consistent, targeted video marketing plan built on tracking and metrics to learn which platforms work, and where your customers are coming from.

Ideally you want every step in this video marketing process to lead back to your homepage—that’s where your sales team can turn leads and into buyers. Luckily, social media is a cheap, easy to use, and absolutely perfect tool for funneling thousands of fresh eyes to your site.

But there’s a right way and a wrong way to promote your video on social media. So before you randomly plaster your video on Google+ and LinkedIn forums, here are 3 simple ways to promote your new video on social media. For free.

Pin Your Video to Social Media Accounts. All of Them.

The first step in promoting your video is putting it where people can see it. Luckily, the internet is full of places for your new video to shine.

Almost every social media account lets you “pin” a favorite post in a static, highly visible place at the top of your profile. Pin your video to all of your social media accounts.

social media video marketing tips

Twitter lets you pin your top tweet so visitors and new followers see it right away. Facebook business pages allow you to set a featured post at the top of your page. A featured video ensures that you’ll put your best foot forward no matter what your latest tweet is or what time-sensitive campaign you’re running. The best part; the link always directs leads straight to the video embedded on your website—not on social media.

Pinning a video, or a link to a video gives it evergreen value, not to mention that “pinned tweets lead to a tenfold conversion rate bump.” You’ve already paid to make a great animated explainer video for your business, so leverage the heck out of it on every brand page and account. Also, a dedicated “pinned” video link gives your brand redundancy and identity.

social media video marketing tips

People need multiple contact with branded content before they begin the purchasing process. Your consistent use of video reminds users about your product every time they engage…