The 7 Cs of a Successful Social Media Strategy

The 7 Cs of a Successful Social Media Strategy. Finding out where your community interacts on social media is the first step of a successful social media strategy. Curation is a way of sharing other people’s content. Content curation is one of the easiest ways to share content because you don’t have to create anything. Creation Creation is the act of creating content online, whether it be in the form of text, images or video. Connection After you have either curated and/or created content, the next C is the physical act of sharing content. To develop a successful social media strategy, it is important to communication, convince, and convert social media into action. You can judge the success of your personal social media strategy by whether or not you are top of mind with your network and whether it helps you get that interview or land that perfect job. One of the ways to maximize conversion with your social media strategy is to develop a social media maturity model. More than 7 Cs In conclusion, a successful social media strategy should include: finding and engaging your communities and/or building a new community; making sure you have the right mix of content curation and creation; connecting well with your community; having relevant and meaningful conversations; and converting on your goals.

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A lot of people and companies decide, after using social media
for a while, that they need a strategy. Of course, that approach is
like putting the cart before the horse. To ensure success, you
should think about your social media strategy in the context of the
seven Cs.

1. Community

Like all good communication, it is best to start by determining
your target audience.

  • Where do they spend time online?
  • What social media channels do they use?
  • How do they communicate on these social media channels?

Before your social media efforts can take shape, you should
listen and learn about your community. For example, one of the top
social media communities for a brand such as Oreo is Facebook. Their
to the Mars landing
was a huge hit with their Facebook fans.
For a job seeker, he or she will most likely find his or her
community on LinkedIn
93 percent of job recruiters use LinkedIn to find qualified
. Finding out where your community interacts on
social media is the first step of a successful social media
strategy. It is important to first determine what type of
conversations are taking place about your brand and in your
industry before engaging in a community or building a community
from scratch.

2. Content

After you figure out how your community engages with social
media, you should next figure out what content you are going to
share with your followers. For example, if you are looking to

grow your personal brand
, what articles are you going to share
to highlight your expertise about your job or personal interests?
If you are a company, how can you show your clients and prospects
that you are a thought leader or that you are trying to make their
lives easier?

3. Curation

You can’t think about content, without mentioning curation.
Curation is a way of sharing other people’s content. You should act
like a museum curator does with art. Beth Kanter in her post Content Curation
says content curation is the process of sorting through
the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a
meaningful and organized way. Rohit Bhargava in
Manifesto for the Content Curator
post defines a content
curator as someone who continually finds, groups, organizes and
shares the best and most relevant content a specific issue. Content
curation is one of the easiest ways to share content because you
don’t have to create anything. This leads well into the next C.

4. Creation

Creation is the act of creating content online, whether it