The Help Hub Hero Strategy in Video Marketing

The Help Hub Hero Strategy in Video Marketing. Interesting Not Interesting Share Tweet One of the secrets to successful social media marketing is the creation of an always on, always available approach. It’s interesting then that many companies, whilst accepting the need for presence and regularity across social media, rarely apply this approach to their YouTube channel strategy. What’s needed is a more considered and segmented approach to your video marketing strategy. It will typically have top-notch production values and the aim is to turn heads, ensure customers know who you are and to get people talking – regardless of whether they are interested in your product or service, or not. Prime examples are the now hugely celebrated annual John Lewis Christmas ads. If hero content is about brand awareness, hub is about consolidation. Rolled out across networks, value-rich hub content encourages prospects to like, follow and subscribe, with the long-term goal of building a community of loyal followers. It can take the form of a FAQ to address direct queries collated through feedback forms, or provide how-to instructionals relevant to your sector, products and/or services. You needn’t confine help hub hero to just your video marketing either.

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One of the secrets to successful social media marketing is the creation of an always on, always available approach. A Facebook status update here, a Tweet there, an amusing (and let’s not forget relevant) meme shared on Instagram.

It’s interesting then that many companies, whilst accepting the need for presence and regularity across social media, rarely apply this approach to their YouTube channel strategy. Indeed many companies don’t even have a YouTube channel, instead uploading video content with no activation strategy, just for it to get lost amongst the billions of other unloved YouTube videos.

Today’s new media consumers demand more from your brand and they don’t expect to ‘pay’ for it by being bombarded with shallow sales pitches either. What’s needed is a more considered and segmented approach to your video marketing strategy.

Introducing Help, Hub and Hero

A more modern approach is the help hub hero model which covers every level of the marketing funnel through a three-pronged approach that:

  • Draws prospects in with a grand ‘tent pole’ piece that embodies the brand (the Hero video).
  • Keeps them on board with regularly updated, magazine style consumer focused but less showy content (the Hub video).
  • Answers potential customers’ questions by providing how-to’s, FAQs and responding to feedback (the Help video).

Youtube has a platform specific spin on this marketing concept (they called it Hygiene, Hub, Hero), but it’s an approach that has actually been around for some time, with its roots planted firmly in print media.

Flick through the pages of any popular consumer magazine and you’ll find the content inside fits neatly into three categories of: headline-grabbing features; smaller snippets and news stories; and how-to guides, quizzes and letters pages.

Let’s look at each element of the help, hub, hero mode in turn.

Holding out for a Hero

Hero content is your chance to shine, to go big, to raise awareness.

It will typically have top-notch production values and the aim is to turn heads, ensure customers know who you are and to get people talking – regardless of whether they are interested in your product or service, or not.

Prime examples are…