How to Use YouTuber Content as a Promotional Tool

How to Use YouTuber Content as a Promotional Tool

Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound Many companies have achieved success when it comes to creating an audience for their content by reaching out to established online influencers—people who are extremely active on social media, online personalities, bloggers, and YouTubers—and encouraging them to share details about their company, product/service, or YouTube content, in exchange for free products or payment. “Influencer marketing” can take many forms and has become an extremely popular way for companies to tap the popularity of social media and YouTube, and reach vast audiences, without having to build their own viewers, subscribers, and/or followers. In fact, many independent companies have been launched that specialize in influencer marketing and match companies with online influencers who target to the same audience. If you want to take influencer marketing a step further, use a tool like Social Blade to find and identify well-established YouTubers, online personalities, bloggers, and others who are active on social media, and who are already successfully reaching a vast group of people who perfectly fit your target audience. What influencers can do for your company Working with an online influencer or established YouTuber can help you quickly enhance your reputation, build awareness for your brand, reach a broader audience, and generate traffic to your own YouTube channel. Pay the influencer to mention your products using their social media accounts. This could include them publishing a link to your YouTube channel page or recommending one or more of your individual videos. Pay the influencer to showcase, demonstrate, discuss, and endorse your products in their online content. This may or may not include the YouTuber showing off your product. When an established YouTuber mentions or showcases a product/ service, they’re making an endorsement, and that’s much more powerful in the mind of a consumer than if a company used a traditional advertisement to convey a similar message, since you’re taking advantage of the YouTuber’s reputation and influence.

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How to Use YouTuber Content as a Promotional Tool

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The following excerpt is from Jason R. Rich’s book Ultimate Guide to YouTube for Business. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound

Many companies have achieved success when it comes to creating an audience for their content by reaching out to established online influencers—people who are extremely active on social media, online personalities, bloggers, and YouTubers—and encouraging them to share details about their company, product/service, or YouTube content, in exchange for free products or payment.

“Influencer marketing” can take many forms and has become an extremely popular way for companies to tap the popularity of social media and YouTube, and reach vast audiences, without having to build their own viewers, subscribers, and/or followers. In fact, many independent companies have been launched that specialize in influencer marketing and match companies with online influencers who target to the same audience.

Identify online influencers

As you build your social media following and YouTube channel, it’s easy to analyze your existing followers, viewers, and subscribers using free analytics tools and other fee-based, third-party resources to learn how many online friends, followers, viewers, or subscribers each has. Identify people following your company’s social media accounts or who are subscribed to your YouTube channel who are highly active on social media and have the biggest following. These are influencers.

Using a bit of creativity and negotiation, reach out to these influencers and request that they share your YouTube videos, or post messages on their social media accounts that promote or endorse your company and/or its products/services. By doing this, you’re generating word-of-mouth promotion using people who already have a large and dedicated following of people who fit into your target audience.

In exchange for these influencers helping you to promote your company, products/services, and/or YouTube content, offer them a reward, free products, or a financial incentive, based on the size of their following and what the influencer does to help you. Because most online influencers have their own loyal following, when they recommend…