How to Get More Likes on Facebook Without Paying for Followers

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Without Paying for Followers

If people don’t like your page, nobody will see your promotions and what you’re offering. Research shows that these are the best days and times to post content on Facebook: Based on this data, you’ll get higher engagements later in the week and on the weekends. You also need to consider who likes your Facebook page. If you’re currently posting long content, it may be the reason why you’re not getting enough likes. Now that other people can see your posts, you might get more likes. Plus, if users see you respond to other people, they will want to engage with your page even more. The most important images on your page are the ones that people can see at all times. People may be willing to share these promotions with their friends and family, which is a great way to get even more likes on your page. If you can offer entertainment to Facebook users, they’ll tell their friends about it. Getting more likes needs to be a consistent part of your social media branding strategy.

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Establishing a strong social media presence is crucial for brand survival in this day and age.

No matter what type of business you have, you need to focus on your Facebook advertising strategy.

Don’t get me wrong. Other social platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, are all important as well. But a solid social media foundation starts with Facebook.

It’s tough to ignore the fact that Facebook has 2.2 billion active monthly users. Just based on this alone, it’s inevitable that your target market is active on this platform.

But setting up a Facebook business page and posting content isn’t enough to be successful. If people don’t like your page, nobody will see your promotions and what you’re offering.

There is a common misconception that getting people to follow you on Facebook is a costly investment.

Just because some brands are spending money on Facebook ads doesn’t mean you need to. In reality, you don’t need to spend anything to get consumers to like your Facebook page.

Don’t believe me? Well, keep reading to find out how. I’ll give you the top tips and best practices to get more likes on Facebook without spending money.

Create shareable content

Unless you are a brand new company that just created a Facebook page, I’m assuming you’re not starting from zero likes. One of the first things you should do is take advantage of the people who already like your page.

Get these people to expose your posts to their own friends. The easiest way to do this is by posting content that’s highly shareable.

According to Buzzsumo, these are the top ten most shared posts of 2017:

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As you can see, four of the top ten posts were videos. More specifically, three of these four were music videos.

I realize it wouldn’t be reasonable for most of you to create music videos. And posting a music video may not be relevant to your brand image. But that doesn’t mean you should give up.

Quizzes and news articles also had high share rates on this list.

Sometimes you don’t even need to get creative. Simply asking users to share your content may be enough.

Otherwise, you’ll need to put your best foot forward to produce high quality content that’s unique and intriguing to your audience.

Did you just come up with new groundbreaking research? Can you produce a video that will easily go viral? These types of things can make your content stand out.

Anything shocking, controversial, or newsworthy can spark a discussion and cause people to share your posts.

Once your content is shared, these posts will be seen by the friends of those who shared it.

But now, there is an increased chance that more people will like your page so they can see this type of content on a regular basis moving forward.

Timing is everything

Think about how often you post on Facebook.

Is it once per day? Once a week? Only once a month?

You also need to analyze the time of day you’re posting on Facebook. All of this matters when it comes to increasing engagement and getting more likes.

Research shows that these are the best days and times to post content on Facebook:

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Based on this data, you’ll get higher engagements later in the week and on the weekends. If you think about it, this makes sense.

People have jobs and are usually busier during the week. But as the weekend nears, they may be getting a little bit antsy and slack off if they are ahead of schedule.

So they can spend more time on Facebook. People are also happier on the weekends so they are more inclined to like, share, and comment on your posts.

You also need to consider who likes your Facebook page. For example, if 90% of your followers are from the United States, posting at 3 AM EST isn’t going to yield high engagement rates.

That’s when you can take advantage of my favorite time-saving social media marketing tools.

Use these automation tools to schedule your Facebook posts at the most optimal times so you won’t have to do it manually each day.

Your posting schedule also needs to remain consistent. Stick to your strategy. Don’t post regularly for a month or so and then go silent.

But you don’t want to spam your followers and post too frequently either. Research shows 46% of people will unfollow a brand on social media if it posts too often. But 18% will actually unfollow brands if it doesn’t post enough.

Find that sweet spot between these two extremes.

Keep your posts short

Nobody is going to read massive blocks of text on social media.

There is just too much for them to see from their friends and family. Reading long posts from brand pages won’t be at the top of their priority lists.

Social media platforms such as Facebook are designed for users to scroll through content quickly.

You also need to consider how many Facebook users are accessing content from their mobile devices:

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Paragraphs on your computer screen will appear even longer on mobile devices. Plus, long blocks of text are difficult to read.

If you’re currently posting long content, it may be the reason why you’re not getting enough likes.

How long should your posts be? Research was conducted on five of the most popular Facebook pages to analyze the length of their content:

  • Fox News
  • NBC News
  • Huffington Post
  • BBC News
  • BuzzFeed

The researchers found that 33% of the posts in this study consisted of ten or fewer words. A good rule of thumb is that shorter is always better.

If people see your posts aren’t long, they will be less hesitant to like your page.

Encourage comments (and respond to them)

Getting Facebook users to comment on your posts is a great way to gain exposure for your page. The more exposure you get, the more likes it will lead to.

That’s because friends of those who comment, even if they aren’t following your page, will see these…