The Power Of Content Intelligence In Marketing. In today’s digital loop, marketers are always changing approaches to reach an audience. As a result, our digital landscape consists of seemingly unending shared content, including: Nearly 70 million blogs posts published just through WordPress each month. Now, we’re challenged to prove our content strategy works. With so much being shared, content marketers must break through the clutter. Now, we’re finding that content intelligence is defined by the tools that give us access to new marketing insights. With abundant data, marketers can use content intelligence to scan the web and pull product insights related positive and negative sentiment. Now, we can leverage the content as support for the sales team. As a result, sales managers are better equipped to deal with qualified leads. By working with qualified leads, sales is spending less time cold calling.
In today’s digital loop, marketers are always changing approaches to reach an audience. As a result, our digital landscape consists of seemingly unending shared content, including:
- Nearly 70 million blogs posts published just through WordPress each month.
Now, we’re challenged to prove our content strategy works. With so much being shared, content marketers must break through the clutter. We’re searching high and low for a solution to great content marketing, one that comes with a strong connection between clear metrics and creative strategy. There’s a term being thrown around to rise to the occasion: content intelligence.
While “content intelligence” has been around for a long time, the application of it is what’s changing. Our digital world is supplemented with big data and new technologies. Now, we’re finding that content intelligence is defined by the tools that give us access to new marketing insights. Powerful tools like Ceralytics and Idio eliminate the manual process of accumulating and analyzing data…