Use Video Education Campaigns to Grow Your Business

Use Video Education Campaigns to Grow Your Business

Author: Jill Schiefelbein / Source: Entrepreneur The following excerpt is from Jill Schiefelbein’s book Dynamic Communication. Buy it now

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Use Video Education Campaigns to Grow Your Business

The following excerpt is from Jill Schiefelbein’s book Dynamic Communication. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

Communicating via video is one of the smartest things you can do to demonstrate your expertise. Video campaigns that aren’t really marketing, but that are simply and exquisitely adding value to and educating viewers, are a key way to draw attention to your skills and expertise, leverage your credibility and provide thought leadership.

When you’re creating an educational video series, you want to make sure that each video contains one clear learning point or actionable piece of advice. You want to get right to the point of the information your viewer is looking for, provide the value, answer one question (or sometimes just part of one question) and keep the video on one focus. You want to create videos that educate and empower by making your content accessible — meaning that it’s communicated in a clear, simple way that provides a path or action and that leaves the viewer feeling satisfied.

When you create an educational video series, the videos are not an advertisement for you. They are showcasing you as an expert. Your expertise is advertisement enough — it’s about providing value that makes people want to contact you.

Strategies for video campaigns

There are many different strategies you can use to create a video campaign. Let’s dive into five strategies that can help you shape your video campaigns. Remember, the goal of each video is to have a single takeaway and provide a building block for more content and value to your audience.

1. Use top FAQs

First, think in terms of problems and solutions, questions and answers. With the massive potential to create content in the…