Video Content Ideas that People Care About

Video Content Ideas that People Care About

Author: Salma Jafri / Source: Business 2 Community What do you think about this? Interesting Not Interesting Share Tweet You’re ready to c

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You’re ready to create videos, but stuck on what topics to start with? Have I got a value-packed episode for you!

Most people just tell you where to go looking for ideas.
Other people tell you many topics but don’t tell you which ones are likely to perform well.

In this video, I’ll not only tell you HOW to find great video topics, but also how to shortlist those topics according to the MOST POPULAR TRENDING TOPICS so you can immediately start making videos people will actually care about!

Let’s jump right in!!

How to Find Video Content Ideas

Step 1. Keep a notebook to write ideas that come to you on the fly

The first thing to do is to be prepared! With my methods you’ll soon be generating so many video content ideas you won’t know what to do with all of them! So it’s best to be prepared and write them all down. I use the Evernote app on my phone to write down ideas (I literally have a notebook called Content Ideas!). You can use whatever works for you – a whiteboard, a journal, pen and paper, an excel sheet. But use something!

Step 2: Keyword research ideas using answerthepublic (aggregates Google autosuggest)

The next tool I use to come up with literally hundreds of ideas is called

Think about your business and industry for a minute. Now think about the millions of searches people are typing into Google every minute of every day. Was are the chances that…