Why Video Books Are The New eBooks

Why Video Books Are The New eBooks

A vBook? A vBook (video book) is an upgrade to the tradition eBook. With traditional eBooks, it can be frustrating to measure your reader’s engagement with the content. When your sales team gets that lead, they can see the viewing data to better understand what they’re interested in, follow up with the right contact, and get the conversation started. Which is why our latest vBook “The Ultimate Video Book: Generating Demand with Video” is all about demand gen. vBooks Are The New eBooks vBooks allow us to better connect with our audience, deliver a large volume of content in a format that fits their needs/attention spans. 0 commentsComments VidyardCommunity Login Disqus Facebook Twitter Google 1 Recommend Recommended Discussion Recommended! Find More Discussions Share Share this discussion on Twitter Facebook Sort by Best Best Newest Oldest Start the discussion… in this conversation ⬇ Drag and drop your images here to upload them. Attach Log in with or sign up with Disqus or pick a name Disqus is a discussion network Disqus never moderates or censors. Read full terms and conditions By signing up, you agree to the Disqus Basic Rules, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy. Load more comments Powered by Disqus Subscribe Add Disqus to your siteAdd DisqusAdd Privacy SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.

We Asked Our Audience What They Really Think of PDF Ebooks: A HubSpot Experiment
The Power of Video Content Marketing
Case Study: 40% of Sales from SEO

Our prospects are bombarded with hundreds of messages every day, making it difficult to stand out and get the attention we deserve. As a result, many marketers are seeing diminishing returns on traditional tactics like email, digital advertising, and eBooks. Which is why we decided to shake things up and create a Video Book or vBook for short.

A vBook?

You read that right—vBook. A vBook (video book) is an upgrade to the tradition eBook. It replaces text-heavy pdfs with videos that educate the audience on a specific topic. vBooks are a more interactive way to share content, get the metrics you need, and connect with your audience on a personal level.

So let’s take a look at why the vBook is the better option than the traditional eBook.

Downloads Are Only a Fraction of the Picture

Our typical eBook process is probably very similar to yours. Dedicating hours of writing, formatting, and design work to produce a PDF chalk full of useful information for our audience—and the only thing being tracked once it was published were downloads.

Video Book Blog Post

With traditional eBooks, it can be frustrating to measure your reader’s engagement with the content. Sure they downloaded it, but then what? You can’t use downloads alone as a measurement of success. You need to know how far they read, did they skip any sections, did they only read half of the book and never come back to it?

With a vBook you’re able to track;

  1. If they pressed play
  2. How long they watched
  3. Which parts they skipped
  4. What percentage of the videos they completed
  5. If they re-watched certain parts (and how many times they re-watched it)

All of this allows you to have a clearer picture of how your audience is engaging with your content.

Use Video Book Data To Take Action

With vBooks you can understand who watched what, how long they watched for, and what they did afterward. You’re then able to automate all this and pass it directly…