Your 2017 Marketing To-Do List [Infographic]

Your 2017 Marketing To-Do List [Infographic]. Now that we're well into 2017, are you checking items off your marketing to-do list? Or, like many of us procrastinators, do you have a to-do list that consists of just one item: "Make 2017 marketing to-do list"? If the latter is the case, IBM has you covered. The software company has put together an infographic guide to help marketers prioritize their efforts this year, and it also explains the benefits that each idea can have on your program. For example, stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts or figures alone, the infographic claims, and it gives tips on how to captivate your audience with better stories this year. To start your own marketing to-do list, click or tap on the infographic to see a larger version:

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Now that we’re well into 2017, are you checking items off your marketing to-do list? Or, like many of us procrastinators, do you have a to-do list that consists of just one item: “Make 2017 marketing to-do list”?

If the latter is the case, IBM has you covered.

The software…