10 Forward-Thinking SEO Experts You Need to Follow

10 Forward-Thinking SEO Experts You Need to Follow

10 Forward-Thinking SEO Experts You Need to Follow. If you want to survive digital marketing and put your content in front of a bigger audience, follow these top SEO experts on social media. Follow Neil on Twitter or Facebook. She also runs her own blog, SEO Smarty, where she writes about everything from link building to on-page SEO advice, and is the founder of MyBlogU and ViralContentBee. Marketers could spend their lives studying it – or they could follow top minds like Brian on Twitter and YouTube. “Running with the herd is not always a great idea; be unique, and the links will come.” Barry Schwartz If you want to stay on top of Google news and search trends, this is the expert to follow. “Earlier today Google…” Seriously, this guy lets you know all you need to know about Google. Bruce continues to post on the company’s blog today, giving newbies and experienced marketers value-driven insights from someone who has been around since the beginning. Follow Bruce on Twitter. Thanks SEO experts.

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10 Forward-Thinking SEO Experts You Need to Follow

Life will continually change. So will SEO best practices. At least there are two things we can always count on.

Keeping up with the ever-changing tips and techniques in the field of search engine optimization takes serious commitment. Read the expert SEO blogs and keep abreast of the latest news and you’ll always know the current secrets for maximizing inbound traffic. Fall asleep on a search for three days, and you’re almost certain to miss a groundbreaking update or critical tweak.

Executive Business Case for Content Marketing

If you want to survive digital marketing and put your content in front of a bigger audience, follow these top SEO experts on social media. These are the pioneering minds who have allowed the rest of us to not have to spend five hours a day figuring out how to make sure our websites and other content are getting enough Google love.

Andy Crestodina

Andy is not just one of the smartest SEO and Analytics gurus out there, he’s also a really funny and super nice guy. Andy is the co-founder of Orbit Media, a great content marketer, amazing speaker and author of Content Chemistry

How Great Writing Leads to High Rankings: There are 4 Specific Reasons… https://t.co/d5PgXNMQsf w/ #research from @steverayson @larrykim pic.twitter.com/14tYyNumFJ

— Andy Crestodina (@crestodina) June 8, 2017

Rand Fishkin

Known professionally as the ‘Wizard of Moz,’ Rand Fishkin founded one of the leading SEO and online marketing sites. Aside from MOZ, which he still contributes to, he is the co-founder of Inbound.org and is currently writing a book on startup culture. Follow Rand on Twitter and Facebook.

“SEO is no longer just a job title, it has become part of everyone’s job description.”

Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan has been a master of search since long before most of the millennial generation hit kindergarten. He’s the co-founder of Third Door Media, which publishes Marketing Land, Search Engine Land, and MarTech Today. He’s also behind one of the digital marketing industry’s top events – SMX: Search Marketing Expo. Follow Danny on Twitter or Facebook.

“SEO is only not seen as rocket science by those who already know it.”

Neil Patel

Entrepreneur, author, and co-founder of KISSmetrics (which he no longer runs), Crazy Egg and Hello Bar, Neil Patel clearly never sleeps. He’s also behind Quick…