10 Ultimate Social Media Marketing Tips You Need to Know Right Now

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To make sure you’re maximizing your success on social media, I’ve compiled my top 10 social media tips below. If you’re wondering how to take your social media marketing to the next level, or feel like you’ve hit a plateau when it comes to the results you’re seeing, this article is for you!

1. Create a social media plan for each channel

Before creating a social media account on a particular channel, the first thing you should do is develop a social media plan (a separate one Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.). This plan should outline your goals, objectives, audiences, tone and voice, posting schedule, types of content you’ll post, and success metrics.

2. Use a social media management system for scheduling, analytics, and posting consistency

Whether you have one social media account or many, I highly recommend a social media management system to help you post content consistently, manage your time, and discover via analytics, which content is working and which isn’t. I use Buffer and would suggest that system, but there are many others that a lot of organizations have great success with.

3. Pay attention to the copy

When it comes to social media, content is everything. Pay careful attention to not just the update itself, but the image, and if it’s a link post, the caption/description and headline. Your post copy should engage people and draw them in in a short and concise way. Think about the “WIIFM” acronym which stands for “What’s in it for me?” If your copy doesn’t give people a reason to click, doesn’t provide value or help your audience in any way, you’re missing the boat.

4. Create a content library

It can be hard and time-consuming to come up with content on the fly. That’s why I recommend creating a social media content library that you continually update and can use when you can’t think of any content to post. Using your social media management system, you’ll schedule your content for the next few days or weeks and this is where your content library will come in helpful. This library can’t account for things that have recently come up that you’ll want to post, but for evergreen content that you think is social media worthy, a conten library can be very useful.

5. Use images on Twitter

Twitter is a cluttered environment with a lot…