A Tale of Two Marketers: Why Video Optimization Matters

A Tale of Two Marketers: Why Video Optimization Matters

You’ve probably met them – heck, you might even identify with ’em! Say hello to “Post-and-Pray Pete” and “Strategic Sue”. Who are these two marketers? Pete has been known to drool over a high video view count, and while the total viewership numbers are exciting, he doesn’t really know anything about who is watching his content. Sue, on the other hand, works in a department where tracking ROI is serious business. She knows that posting videos to YouTube isn’t really a content strategy, and that a total view count on YouTube doesn’t really help her marketing team pass qualified leads over to sales. She knows that her videos need to be tied to real marketing actions in order to be successful, so she always includes a compelling call to action and uses video optimizations for lead generation. Her motto? That said, it’s fairly likely that, even though you’re using video marketing in your mix, you’re probably not optimizing your content for maximum success. Tweet with the hashtag #mktgstory to share your video challenges, your best examples of video from your brand, and lessons learned along the way.

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There are two main kinds of video marketers out there.
You’ve probably met them – heck, you might even identify with ’em!

Say hello to “Post-and-Pray Pete” and “Strategic Sue”.

Pete and Sue are B2B marketers

Who are these two marketers?

Pete doesn't have a plan

Making videos for the sole purpose of brand awareness, Post-and-Pray Pete subscribes to the idea that if you spend time making a great brand video, upload it to YouTube, and share it aggressively, you’re bound to rake in the views and “go viral”.

Not only does he create content quickly (some might even say, randomly), but he’s excited to get his videos up on the web to be seen by as many brand fans as possible.

Pete has been known to drool over a high video view count, and while the total viewership numbers are exciting, he doesn’t really know anything about who is watching his content.

Sue knows to optimize content

Sue, on the other hand, works in a department where tracking ROI is serious business. She knows that posting videos to YouTube isn’t really a content strategy, and that a total view count on YouTube doesn’t really…