3 Steps for Leveraging Explainer Videos with Sales Emails

3 Steps for Leveraging Explainer Videos with Sales Emails

For explainer videos, you should use a frame that shows the style of a video. Here’s a quick example: Step 2: Set up a landing page for the video. Check it out here: YouTube thumbnail tips. Here are a few pointers for setting up your explainer video’s landing page: Set up a page just for your explainer video. Use the same thumbnail that you used on the email. Using email marketing tools like MailChimp, write an email template and insert the thumbnail you created in step one. Link the image to your landing page. Takeaway Embedding your explainer video (or any kind of video, for that matter) in your email campaign is quite risky since not all email clients support video playing, not to mention that most of the time, embed codes are stripped clean from emails. You can easily work your way around this by attaching a static image that links to the video instead of embedding the entire video. You can pick and customize the most interesting thumbnail possible for your video.

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After your explainer video, or any other kind of marketing video, is made, it needs to get maximum exposure. Fresh, new clients are great for you because they mean that your company is reaching new groups of customers.

But the exposure you get should not be limited to new prospects. Your previous and repeat customers should also hear about your new video.

Existing customers are important to keep around, because they already know your value and quality. Once they know that you deliver for them, they will gladly stick around with you and even pay more.

You’re probably familiar with the value of explainer videos in marketing by now. But did you know that using videos in your emails can increase click-through rates by 100%?

The study by MediaPost is in line with a survey by MarketingProfs that shows 76% of marketers said campaigns that integrated video and email generated higher click-through rates.

Unfortunately, embedding video in an email is not an easy task. Aside from the technical skills required to embed a media player to an email, not all email clients support in-app video playing.

Most email clients also strip clean embed codes for security reasons, which results in an ugly-looking email and broken video link. Here’s a quick graphic by Vidyard about email clients and their support for in-app video playing.

However, there’s an easy way you can use to email to leverage your explainer videos without actually having to embed the full video. In addition to speeding up your email’s load speed, you won’t lose the interest of your email contacts that use Outlook and Android.

Step 1: Create an intriguing thumbnail for your video.

  • Pick an interesting frame from your video. For explainer videos, you should use a frame that shows the style of a video. That means the frame shows characters, objects, and the product’s name.
  • The more engaging and relevant it is, the more likely it is to attract people’s curiosity to click.
  • Resize the image using a simple editing tool….