5 Content Marketing Predictions for 2017

5 Content Marketing Predictions for 2017. Because that’s how I convinced my boss to start Real Smart Marketing, a video series where top influencers record bite-sized marketing advice. Naturally, I asked a selfish question that I needed the answer to: “How will content marketing evolve in 2017?” As a content marketer, I’m dying to know what these experts think will happen, and how to best prepare for it. How Will Content Marketing Evolve in 2017? Brands Will Get More Creative With Format Content marketing has mainly been about blogging, ebooks, and other written content types that generate email subscribers. Messaging Will Become More Niche With more new entrants into the saturated pool of content marketing in 2017, we need to stop going high-level and start getting down to the nitty-gritty. Video Will Reign Supreme We love videos. That’s why we started this series. Having more videos also improves SEO, as Google—which owns YouTube—favors them in search results. Instead of just bringing you to this blog post, we should optimize it so that you engage, subscribe, and keep coming back.

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5 Content Marketing Predictions for 2017
Image via Unsplash

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Wouldn’t it be great to take a peek inside the minds of really smart marketers and borrow their brilliant ideas?

Please say yes.

Because that’s how I convinced my boss to start Real Smart Marketing, a video series where top influencers record bite-sized marketing advice.

To kickstart our first episode, we invited Rand Fishkin, Larry Kim, Benji Hyam, Sam Mallikarjunan, and Sujan Patel. Naturally, I asked a selfish question that I needed the answer to: “How will content marketing evolve in 2017?”

As a content marketer, I’m dying to know what these experts think will happen, and how to best prepare for it.

How Will Content Marketing Evolve in 2017?

I’m not going to sugarcoat it: According to these experts, 2017 might be a little scary for us marketers. Rand Fishkin, founder and wizard of Moz, says, “In 2017, content marketing is going to be even more challenging than it is today.”

“There’ll be fewer winners with much bigger jackpots,” says Larry Kim, founder of Wordstream. I stopped listening and started crying after “fewer winners.”

Let’s ignore those two comments for a second and get into things we can do something about.

1. Brands Will Get More Creative With Format

Content marketing has mainly been about blogging, ebooks, and other written content types that generate email subscribers. These strategies continue to prevail, but brands will need to be more creative with their content’s formats to break through the noise.

Visual content will become more important as search engines get better at reading and analyzing images to determine what your website is about. More gifs—yay!

2. Messaging Will Become More Niche

With more new entrants into the…