That’s why here at breadnbeyond we want to help you pick the right music for your explainer videos, or any video you might have in mind. Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect track for your videos. On that note, if you plan to have any sort of narration in your video you must never choose a background music with vocal. In an explainer video, for example, there are pauses in the voice over/narration. Adjust the volume of your background music according to the voice over. In many cases, we do not know who owns a particular track. Make sure you read the terms and conditions of every audio snippet you’re interested in licensing, or at the very least try to ask legal permission to whoever own the audio tracks you want to use. On that note, here’s an article on legally allowed and forbidden content in videos. Closing Thought All in all, background music is an important element for any kind of video, be it a movie, commercial, explainer video, or entertainment video. In an explainer, background music should not be louder than the voice over.
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Background music plays an irreplaceable role in any video including your marketing video. It can amplify the message as well as shape the overall nuance and emotion throughout the video.
It’s no simple business to pick the right track for your video, especially in this decade of online videos. That’s why here at breadnbeyond we want to help you pick the right music for your explainer videos, or any video you might have in mind.
Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect track for your videos.
What is the track supposed to do?
Keep in mind what the music should be doing to your video. Should it make the message of the video bolder? In that case, having too much music will do the opposite. It could be pulling away from the overall impact of your video.
If you want your viewers to completely focus on the content of your video, for example, technical instruction on how to use your product, the best music to use would be the subtle ones. The music should be the underscores between your sentences.
If you want to enhance the emotional experience of watching your video, pick the music that best suits the intended reaction from your viewers. For example, if you want your video to be joyful, you should pick upbeat music instead of slow and mellow ones.
How loud should it be?
In many cases, a good background music is the ones that you don’t even notice. That means if there is a voice over speaking in the foreground, the music should not interrupt.
On that note, if you plan to have any sort of narration in your video you must never choose a background music with vocal. There is a likelihood of two vocals being confused with each other. That’s kind of obvious.
But keep in mind…