5 Fundamental Flaws With Your Brand Messaging (And Ways To Fix Them)

5 Fundamental Flaws With Your Brand Messaging (And Ways To Fix Them)

When it comes to sending your message across the audience, no matter which content you are working on; an ad copy, web content, calls-to-action or social media, every single piece of writing needs to be consistent and evenly toned. If your brand messages fail to complement your brand story that means you need to work on the architecture of your brand messaging. In order to tell your brand story the right way, you need to fix all the faults in the style and tone of your messaging. But how do you know that you need to work on it to make it better? You need to craft the stories based on your brand’s principles and come up with the right way to convey your stories. Fix it: If you are still unaware of the ingredients of an effective Brand messaging architecture, let’s have a look at the elements that you need to combine to make one. Brand’s Position in the Marketplace Value Proposition Punchline Brand Stories In order to clearly define these elements, you need to gather your creative team members on the same page and make them aware of each aspect that constitutes your brand messaging architecture. A fault in your brand voice Striking brand messaging is not only about what you have to communicate. Is your voice capable enough to get people connected and involved? Remember, without a thoughtfully crafted plan your brand messaging efforts will bring you anything but the desired results.

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5 Fundamental Flaws With Your Brand Messaging (And Ways To Fix Them)

Storytelling is an art, and when it’s about your brand messaging, it gets a lot more challenging than usual.

You need to incorporate every single detail about your brand into your brand’s message. What you do. Around which beliefs your brand strategy revolves. In what tone you describe your products/ services. Who your employees are. What makes your brand unique when compared with others.

Combining all these blocks, you need to construct a clear yet cohesive message that resonates with your target audience effortlessly, this is what we call a Brand Message.

When you work with multiple content creators, it becomes a bit tricky to infuse the factor of uniformity within your brand messages. When it comes to sending your message across the audience, no matter which content you are working on; an ad copy, web content, calls-to-action or social media, every single piece of writing needs to be consistent and evenly toned. If your brand messages fail to complement your brand story that means you need to work on the architecture of your brand messaging.

In order to tell your brand story the right way, you need to fix all the faults in the style and tone of your messaging. But how do you know that you need to work on it to make it better?

Here are 5 signs that your brand messaging needs to be put right before proceeding further.

1. A fault in your storytelling

Suppose you are a fitness wear brand and your brand message includes only a few inspirational taglines and a couple of ad campaigns involving celebrities. Would it be sufficient to match the standard that Nike has built over the decades? Absolutely not. Nike is a brand that has always made its mark with gripping storytelling. The brand always comes up something so compelling that the audience can’t help but connect instantly with the brand. With their brand messaging they have always strived to induce some kind of positive change in their audience’s mindset. Think of their Equality campaign, that was more than a promotional campaign, a movement that got the audience hooked and connected at a large scale.

Equality for brand messaging

If you fail to offer any of the values that have been described with Nike’s example, that means you have got nothing special and inspiring to contribute. Then why would they be interested in listening to you?

Fix it: If you really want to induce a sense of connectivity, you need to work on the bigger picture rather than just a promotional campaign. You need to articulate a framework based on your values and beliefs. You need to tell your audience what difference you want to make with your brand. You need to craft the stories based on your brand’s principles and come up with the right way to convey your stories.

2. A fault in your address

Before sending your message across, first of all, you need to know the audience you are having a conversation with….