5 Social Media Tasks You Can Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

8 Tips for Effectively Outsourcing Your Content
TECH TALK: How to outsource social nedia marketing
Tips for Outsourcing Your Payroll

Are you a busy entrepreneur or small business owner who is overwhelmed by social media marketing? When you reach out to colleagues asking how they get it all done, many times outsourcing is the answer. However, entrepreneurs typically find it difficult to delegate any part of their business. As I mentioned in my previous post, the question I often hear is:


“I know I need a virtual assistant but I don’t know what to delegate.”

In response, I created a series of blog posts, social media memes, and videos to show you exactly what you can delegate in the New Year. Today’s installment is focused on social media management.

Sharing your blog content across social networks

Creating and publishing your blog articles are only the beginning of blogging. If you don’t promote your posts throughout the social media community, you might as well be talking to yourself. But creating high-quality posts and memes and then sharing them on each network you’re active in at the best time to reach your targeted audience can be time-consuming! A social media virtual assistant can take care of this process for you.

Finding and editing images to use in posts

Not sure why you need to use images in your social media posts? Consider these stats:

“Content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images.” Kissmetrics

“When people hear information, they’re likely to
remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.” Lifelearn

Convinced? Your next question may be where do…