6 Ways Millennials Have Changed Business Practices

6 Ways Millennials Have Changed Business Practices

Register Now » Millennials get a lot of flack for being entitled or lazy, but the truth is, Generation Y has actually changed the world of business. It was at this point I brought in a couple of millennial employees who have been on my team ever since. Here are six ways that the millennials have completely changed business practices for generations to come: 1. Thanks to a booming tech industry and multiple different app options, it is easier than ever to get things delivered right to your door with the click of a button. This also means that businesses need to team up with these apps to keep up with the demand. They have changed the way we work. They have changed the customer service industry. They have changed the way we market to consumers. It works because their followers trust them; they have spent years cultivating an audience that is built on their personal style and taste. Millennials have taught me to think outside the box and find ways to grow my businesses in times of change.

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6 Ways Millennials Have Changed Business Practices

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Millennials get a lot of flack for being entitled or lazy, but the truth is, Generation Y has actually changed the world of business. A few years ago, I saw a void in my businesses that needed to be filled. Our internet presence was severely lacking. While I have an understanding of the internet for research and hiring purposes, I lacked the expertise to make content engaging to a younger generation — let alone know how to make anything go viral.

It was at this point I brought in a couple of millennial employees who have been on my team ever since. Within months, all of our websites were properly formatted and ranking in search engines, and our social media followings started to grow. The team developed content that was both interesting and informative. The content included elements of both fact and humor. They knew how to be both eloquent and quippy in 140 characters, and taught us that collaboration with like-minded businesses or influencers could help grow the brand exponentially.

Because millennials are so savvy, we had to find ways to appeal to them as consumers as well as utilize their knowledge of the internet in ways business owners never had to before. Quite frankly, at this point I’m not sure we could get along without them.

Here are six ways that the millennials have completely changed business practices for generations to come:

1. They have changed the way we shop.

Thanks to a booming tech industry and multiple different app options, it is easier than ever to get things delivered right to your door with the click of a button. Millennials no longer want to wait in crowded lines to get food, clothes or toiletries, and why should they?

Whether you want Postmates or GrubHub to bring you food from a restaurant that normally doesn’t deliver, or you want a subscription service such as Amazon Now to bring you soap because you ran out and didn’t have time to run to the store, apps have got you covered. This also means that businesses need to team up with these apps to keep up with the demand.

A great example is Whole Foods’ partnership with Instacart in metropolitan areas where local residents can use the service to get their groceries delivered at a designated time without any hassle at the store. Subscription boxes have become increasingly popular for the same reason. With these services, you won’t have to remember to order goods. They come directly to your door on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis, and can bring you everything from gourmet ingredients, pet food, candles, beauty products or even new underwear.

2. They have changed the way we work.