3 Steps Before Purchasing a Marketing Tool

3 Steps Before Purchasing a Marketing Tool

Author: Jacob Warwick / Source: Marketing Insider Group Whether it’s content production, distribution, measurement, some form of strategi

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3 Steps Before Purchasing a Marketing Tool

Whether it’s content production, distribution, measurement, some form of strategic guidance, or a combination of it all, it seems that there is always a new marketing tool that promises to solve your current and ongoing marketing challenges.

It can be tempting to add new tools to your marketing process or blame any current marketing deficiencies on a lack of access to a sophisticated toolset; however, the truth is that it’s difficult to find software that perfectly aligns with your business need—even when you have the resources to do so.

Learn how these 3 steps can help you identify the right marketing software and make a more informed purchasing decision to alleviate your current and growing marketing needs.

Step #1 Analyze Your Marketing Challenges

While an expert consultant or influencer with years of industry experience may suggest an ideal set of marketing tools for your team, since your marketing challenges, internal skill maturity, and customer audiences are inherently unique to your business model, you’ll want to do much of the research yourself.

Start by openly sharing your challenges with your marketing department, company shareholders, and any outside consultants or companies that you are already working with—particularly as they relate to achieving organizational goals. Tie the conversation back to revenue when appropriate and applicable.

For example, let’s say that you have a blogging strategy with a goal to acquire 1000 marketing qualified leads (MQLs) per year. Once you write and distribute your blog content, you net between 5-10 MQLs, but you’re having challenges scaling your blogging process to meet your goal by end-of-year.

To earn decision making help and buy-in from your team, exercise transparency and share your intentions

“At our current rate, it appears that we’ll miss our leads goal by 20%, which could impact our sale’s team goals as well. We either need to get more efficient at producing content or better at distribution and outreach. Do you think we should hire freelance writers, concentrate more on whitepapers, contract with an agency, or purchase software to help us get more organized?”

By assessing how your marketing challenges are affecting revenue goals as well as other department’s performance—and by sharing your findings through a transparent and collaborative approach, you can earn internal support to find a solution, receive additional feedback to analyze, and give leadership teams insight to manage company-wide expectations.

Step #2 Identify Software and Alternative Solutions

After you’ve analyzed your marketing challenges and decided to move forward with software solutions, it’s time to weigh all of your options.
