Why E-Commerce Brands Should Develop a ‘Shoppable’ Video Marketing Strategy

Why E-Commerce Brands Should Develop a ‘Shoppable’ Video Marketing Strategy

Author: Jon Mowat / Source: PerformanceIN You’ve probably heard all the hype about video content taking over the Internet, expedited by t

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Why E-Commerce Brands Should Develop a ‘Shoppable’ Video Marketing Strategy

You’ve probably heard all the hype about video content taking over the Internet, expedited by the likes of Facebook moving towards a video-first future and Fortune 500 brands reporting that online video delivers a better ROI than display ads.

The medium of moving pictures certainly grabs attention, and as mobile Internet speeds continue to improve, more and more people are pressing the play button. Brands have already put much faith in advanced video marketing strategies, with impressive results, but right now we’re on the cusp of an even bigger e-commerce boom, as interactive ‘shoppable’ content comes to the fore.

Savvy sales videos

A relatively recent entry into the marketer’s dictionary, ‘shoppable’ essentially means making the user journey as easy as possible, placing clickable links into your content. These can either direct to bespoke landing pages for each product, or automatically integrate with shopping baskets, allowing video viewers to reserve items as they appear on-screen.

There’s always been a huge pressure to prove a direct link between marketing and sales, but as the adoption of ‘shoppable’ becomes more widespread, smart retailers have been benefiting from this push towards interactivity.

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