20 Amazing Ways to Use ViewedIt Screen Recording and Webcam Videos

20 Amazing Ways to Use ViewedIt Screen Recording and Webcam Videos

Source: Vidyard Since we launched ViewedIt, a webcam and screen recording tool, in October of last year, our amazing community (that’s you!) has mad

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Since we launched ViewedIt, a webcam and screen recording tool, in October of last year, our amazing community (that’s you!) has made more than 200,000 videos using the product.

We’ve been really impressed with all the different ways you have been using ViewedIt and the diversity of ideas you’ve brought forward.

But what good is it if we just keep these ideas to ourselves? We want to highlight some of the most interesting use cases we’ve discovered so far to spark your own inspiration to create great videos using ViewedIt.

To those of you just getting started with ViewedIt, we hope this post serves as an inspiration and a reference guide! To those of you whose videos we’re showcasing, thanks for being so generous to share your work with the community.

Check out the first six examples with videos from our community!

1. Sales – make personalized tutorials for prospects

Eric Martin is a Senior BDR at DataFox. He is responsible for prospecting into strategic accounts, and also for organizing their monthly Sales Operations meetups in San Francisco.

Eric uses ViewedIt to make video tutorials who are currently using the DataFox trial. Eric explained that “the videos are custom to each rep, take us no more than a few minutes to make and include in our follow up, and have been incredibly well received so far.”

Get a glimpse of Eric’s video in this example:

2. Customer Success – create a VIP onboarding experience for prospects

Vero Donelle is a Market Outreach Specialist at Alongside. Vero frequently reaches out to HR professionals and hiring teams to chat about how they can help them streamline their processes, saving time and cutting hiring costs (all while improving their application experience for job seekers).

When we chatted with Vero, she explained that she uses ViewedIt to onboard customers and give quick walkthroughs or clarify features. “I use ViewedIt to show customers how they and their team can make the most out of our platform. Offering a visual explanation in a video, instead of bullet points in an email, makes customers way more likely to engage and want to work ‘alongside’ us!”

Check out Vero’s video example below!

3. Customer Success – offer personalized walkthroughs for clients

Tim Cerato is a marketing automation consultant at RevEngine Marketing, a Boston-based marketing automation firm, specializing in Marketo.

Tim uses ViewedIt to supplement email instructions and to provide clients with brief video tutorials. “ViewedIt has proven to be a time-saver. Instead of typing a detailed email on the process of performing a given task, I can now provide clients with a personalized, visual, walkthrough. Typically in under 3 minutes.”

Watch Tim’s ViewedIt walkthrough below.

4. Product Design – share walkthrough videos of new designs, save your team time

Chad Whitaker is a Product Designer at Product Hunt. Product Hunt curates the best new products, every day.

Chad creates videos to show new designs or prototypes he’s working on because “being able to send a video walkthrough to the team of a design or prototype can completely cut out an inessential meeting. A tool like ViewedIt eliminates the hassle of recording, editing, converting, and uploading.”

Check out Chad’s most recent team update:

5. Education – equip students with tools that create a better…