10 Deal-Closing Sales Moves You Can’t Make Over the Phone or Email

10 Deal-Closing Sales Moves You Can’t Make Over the Phone or Email

Source: Vidyard They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about a moving picture? For me as a sales professional, it’s worth milli

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They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about a moving picture? For me as a sales professional, it’s worth millions.

That’s because inside salespeople need to build trust, encourage empathy, and negotiate entirely over the phone or email. Video offers some tremendous advantages, adding much-needed context to their intonation and letting them and their prospects develop mutual empathy in a way that hasn’t been possible since the good old days of Glengarry-style face-to-face deal making.

And even for field-reps, it’s still the perfect follow-up: how else are they going to cement that great first impression with more than just words?

For salespeople of all stripes who want to close more deals, this is how personalized sales videos can help.

10 deal-closing sales moves that you can’t make over the phone or email:

1. A smile

A great smile is your calling card, plain and simple. While studies suggest that it’s possible to hear a smile over the phone, it doesn’t compare to seeing it on video. In fact, “48 percent of all Americans feel that a smile is the most memorable feature after first meeting someone,” writes Jeremy Goldman, CEO of branding agency Firebrand Group in Inc.

Want to be remembered positively? Broadcast that smile on video.

2. Build trust with nonverbal behavior

According to Psychology Today, 93% of sales communication is nonverbal. Yes, you read that right – And that’s because study participants ranked body language and tone as vastly more important than words when evaluating a salesperson’s trustworthiness.

Plus, not using video hurts you, whether you know it or not. Many salespeople who record themselves realize for the first time that they had been nervously pacing or hunched over their phone for calls, both signs of defensive posturing, and both of which can be heard in their tone.

Sitting upright and smiling on camera, you both look and sound like someone that your prospect instinctually trusts.

3. Humor

Ever had a distant relative send you an email-chain joke that made you cringe? The subtlety of humor doesn’t translate well via text or even the phone, but it does do well via video where you can use timing, flash a smile, and follow it with laughter. Of course, humor shouldn’t be a primary staple of your sales tool belt, but if you’re going to do it, you can at least pull it off via video.

4. Personality

A personality is your…