The Immense Value Of Our Social Media Image!

The Immense Value Of Our Social Media Image!. Our Social Media Image, consists of our representation on Social Media Networks, and generally speaking this is determined by two things: A. Our Social Media Profiles. The material we share in each of our Social Media Networks. They will visit your LinkedIn Profile. And what will they think if your LinkedIn Profile is not filled out 100% or if it is not written in a way appropriate for the largest network of professionals in the world? Regarding the material we post in each of our Social Media Networks, this consists of the updates, comments, posts, images, videos, presentations etc. What will those potential employers do the minute they receive your CV? They will have second thoughts hiring you, or even inviting you for the next step of their employment selection process. Visit each of the Social Media Networks you belong to, identify material that is inappropriate either for your Social Media Profiles or for your Social Media updates, and edit or delete it accordingly.

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Our Social Media Image, consists of our representation on Social
Media Networks, and generally speaking this is determined by two

A. Our Social Media Profiles.

B. The material we share in each of our Social Media

Regarding our Social Media Profiles, these consist of the
individual and/or company profiles that we create in each of the
Social Media Networks we are part of (i.e. Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, LinkedIn etc.). Let’s assume for
example that you are a food exporter looking for importers for your
products as well as forming strategic collaborations with key
parties from all over the world, and you choose LinkedIn (the
worlds largest Social Media Network for professionals) as the
avenue to identify importers and collaborators who will help you
achieve your professional goals. You create a LinkedIn Profile,
throw in some information from your resume and your website and you
start connecting and approaching potential prospects. What will
those prospects do the minute they receive your message or they
find you via LinkedIn Search? You guessed it! They will visit your
LinkedIn Profile. And what will they think if your LinkedIn Profile
is not filled out 100% or if it is not written in a way appropriate
for the largest network of professionals in the world? What if you
have not uploaded a LinkedIn Profile Image, or if you have uploaded
one, it is not professional and does not represent you as
approachable, trustworthy and competent? You guessed it again! They
will have seconds thoughts of doing business with you or even
communicating with you in the first place.

Regarding the material we post in each of our Social Media
Networks, this consists of the updates, comments, posts, images,
videos, presentations etc. that we…