Technology for the modern HR department

Technology for the modern HR department

Author: Jenn Livingston / Source: CIO Credit: Thinkstock The human resources department oversees the process of moderating and maintaini

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Credit: Thinkstock

The human resources department oversees the process of moderating and maintaining standards expected of employees within a business. From ensuring compliance with federal and national labor laws to addressing employee payroll, benefits, and compensation, the HR department of any company must act quickly and efficiently to meet all required conditions. Thankfully, there is technology available on the market that assists in maintaining the various aspects of employee management.

Reach out with social media

Social media has been a tool for many businesses to reach out to their client base. Twitter is an easy platform to announce up and coming promotions, products, or events, and it puts on an air of transparency where there would otherwise be a closed door. Using Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn can improve your reach, and expose your company to people who may not have heard of your brand.

Social media is also one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business, as well as garner interest for your brand. The number of platforms with which to announce your product guarantees that customers who have visited your business will see your advertisement, and will be more likely to comment on your posts, which in turn allows their friends to see your post as well. This tactic creates a chain reaction of likes and comments that appear to many different people which ultimately increases the conversation about your company.

A positive and inviting presence on social media platforms creates a welcoming environment and encourages conversation, allowing people to inquire about your practices, products, and employees in a way that highlights what is important to your customer base. Feedback received off of social media may highlight areas within the company that are exemplary (such as customer service) and also gives…