4 Unconventional Ways to Bring Traffic to Your Site

4 Unconventional Ways to Bring Traffic to Your Site

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4 Unconventional Ways to Bring Traffic to Your Site

Millions of businesses join Facebook, Twitter and Instagram every day for the sole purpose of generating traffic. Many set up Google ads. Because of this increasing participation in social media, however, success with conventional online advertising has become harder to come by.

For the small business owner, this problem is especially worrisome: These smaller guys (and gals) are up against bigger competitors with much larger marketing budgets and armies of marketers. They’re worrying about setting up the perfect Facebook ad to avoid “banner blindness.” They’re consumed with that fragile Facebook post-to-ad ratio.

In other words, smaller businesses are not short of problems.

So how do they tackle them? How do we smaller entrepreneurs navigate our marketing campaigns to success? The answer is by following the road less travelled or, more specifically, doing stuff that most marketers have not yet thought about.

Below are four relatively unconventional methods for increasing your website traffic.

1. Social media “re-marketing”

Re-marketing is a neat strategy for users of Facebook (and consequently Instagram) and Twitter. It is not enough to just set up an ad and walk away, hoping for optimal conversion. Instead, Facebook and Twitter remarketing is a way to increase the probability of higher conversion rates, by targeting only those people who have visited your site and thus shown interest in your offering.

All you need to do is to install a Facebook or Twitter tracking pixel on your website to gather valuable information about your site visitors. This way, you can continue to put your business in front of visitors and return traffic to your site repeatedly.

Make sure, though, not to target customers who have already subscribed to your email list or have patronized your business — that is dangerous. The reason: You wouldn’t just be alienating a visitor, you’d be alienating a customer. Use Facebook Custom Audience to enable you to exclude already existing customers from your target audience, unless you plan to upsell something new to them.

2. Google Voice Search

Google-search queries make up a huge percentage of the reasons people discover businesses online. And now, with the increasing…