How to Create Social Media Campaigns for Gen Z

How to Create Social Media Campaigns for Gen Z. Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals how to increase social media engagement with better audience research, sharper customer targeting, and Hootsuite’s easy-to-use social media software. The generally touted purpose of an app like Whisper is to inspire people to speak freely and candidly about topics they’d never talk about in person, with people they may never have interacted with otherwise. The takeaway for marketers is that consumers want to feel like people, rather than commodities. Gen Z doesn’t want to see ads catering to who they should be, but to who they actually are, which is why incognito apps appeal to users so much in the first place. In other words, Generation Z is more likely to expect and take advantage of instantaneous conversation than any previous generation. That’s not a lot of time to get your message across. Consider the appeal of something like Snapchat, which causes messages to self-destruct after a short time. Keep finding all the tools technology has given us for creating a more immediate, authentic and impactful brand message. As a result, they’re also the most thoroughly researched generation we’ve ever seen.

How Millennials are Marketing to Gen Z
5 Ways Businesses Can Reach ‘Generation Z’
How to Structure Your 2019 Social-Media Campaigns to Appeal to Gen Z
How to Create Social Media Campaigns for Gen Z | Hootsuite Blog

Have you finally wrapped your head around savvy marketing practices for targeting millennials? Too bad! The next generation is just now achieving financial independence, and that means writing a whole new rulebook for how to engage with customers.

It seems a lot of businesses aren’t quite sure how to market to Generation Z, made up of young adults between the ages of 13 and 19. Many marketers in the world today assume millennials and Generation Z can be catered to in similar ways, but the two segments are actually very different.

Knowing how to speak to each demographic can help marketers better understand their future customers, and create a platform that can endure even as the general population continues to change with the times.

Despite growing up in a world marked by uncertainty and economic chaos, Generation Z has a combined spending power of around $44 billion. So how are they going to use it—and what can marketers do to steer the conversation?

Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals how to increase social media engagement with better audience research, sharper customer targeting, and Hootsuite’s easy-to-use social media software.

3 tips for marketing to Gen Z on social media

1. Shift marketing toward Instagram and Twitter

The younger members of the population are driving big growth for platforms that focus on mobile-first experiences—like Instagram and Twitter—causing yet another seismic shift away from traditional media and toward snackable media.

This content, whether news or entertainment, can be experienced in just a few seconds or minutes, including “One Minute News,” a quick scroll through Instagram, or the exchange of 140-character missives on Twitter.

This has completely changed the game when it comes to building marketing campaigns for these channels. Your content needs to get to the point faster, not talk down to the audience, and recognize the fast pace of life better than previous marketing generations managed to do.
It also has to target the physical devices that are most likely to be in the hands of younger consumers. In short, marketing needs to be a five-screen endeavor, including smartphones, televisions, tablets, computers, and now, even wearables.

Moreover, it needs to place a renewed emphasis on brevity. That means more images, more short videos, and more multimedia experiences that leverage multiple technologies all at once.

2. Adapt social campaigns for incognito media

It was bound to happen. Generation X built it, Generation Y figured out how to circumvent it and now Generation Z wants out.

The entire digital world now revolves around collecting massive amounts of information about individual browsing and shopping histories, patterns of correspondence, and various other key identifying factors, and using it to sell products. Gen Z wants to find another way.

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