5 Ways Businesses Can Reach ‘Generation Z’

5 Ways Businesses Can Reach ‘Generation Z’

There is no shortage of perspectives regarding today’s younger generations. Here are five ways to accommodate the needs of Gen Z and improve your business: 1. This demand is crucial for any business because clear communication improves consumer engagement as a whole, and not just with youth. Multimedia content such as video and infographics continues to provide exciting new ways to represent data and share messages in concise ways with Gen Z. This generation is not afraid to call out a corporation on its claims and challenge businesses to act! Successful platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo thrive off this collaborative spirit Gen Z champions. What is their brand purpose? Businesses that have a clear “why” behind their services are positioned to create deeper relationships with their consumers. Although Gen Z may pose some different hurdles, these young people also present new opportunities for growth. Change can be challenging, but Gen Z is inspiring change across industries.

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5 Ways Businesses Can Reach 'Generation Z'

There is no shortage of perspectives regarding today’s younger generations.

Millennials, that is, those born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s, are a major topic of review among business leaders. In contrast to the narrative of the “me-generation” that came before them, milllennials are typically seen as innovative, reflective individuals withe plenty to offer the workforce.

Business leaders, however, have a lot less affinity with millennials’ successors, Generation Z.

This discrepancy speaks to the ways Gen Z’s non-traditional mindsets and communication styles challenge these corporate leaders. “Needy,” “fickle” and “preoccupied” are some of the terms leaders trying to adjust to the traits of this younger cohort use in describing their frustration.

But, nonetheless, industries are trying to quantify the defining qualities of Gen Z; and for business leaders, this exercise is rather a hurdle. Accommodating Gen Z, in fact, seems more a burden than an opportunity; but, still, members of this age group are reshaping business as we know it.

Rather than viewing Gen-Z’s differences as a setback, however, these understandings can be seen as a business opportunity. Here are five ways to accommodate the needs of Gen Z and improve your business:

1. Succinct messaging

With an average attention span that researchers have set at 8 seconds, Gen Z challenges marketers to be concise. This demand is crucial for any business because clear communication improves consumer engagement as a whole, and not just with youth. Limited character counts urge marketers to take a deeper look at, and be creative with the delivery of, their value proposition.

Multimedia content such as video and infographics continues to provide exciting new ways to represent data and share messages in concise ways with Gen Z. And members of this group and their desire for engaging and succinct messaging only contribute to the rise of this multimedia.

With visual learners representing 65 percent of the general population, traditional long text-based ads miss a large proportion of their desired market. Gen Z’s desire for engaging and succinct messaging has helped with this problem by contributing to the rise of micro-content platforms and interactive mediums. The result has been an increased effectiveness in marketing messages.

2. Company authenticity

Gone are the days of one-way, unsubstantiated marketing. As with their millennial brothers and sisters (of which…