Get More Impact Out of Your Event with Repurposed Content

Get More Impact Out of Your Event with Repurposed Content

Through repurposing your content strategically, you won’t just keep the ideas and messages of your event fresh in your participants’ minds, you’ll find that you are cultivating a brand community, the seeds of which were planted when your event demonstrated the deep value and insight your brand has to offer. Should you create a separate Instagram account for your event? Use Your Event Survey Feedback to Craft White Papers Surveys can be a powerful way to keep your attendees engaged while at the event and to garner some valuable market data, as well as insights into what people like and are interested in to help you make next year’s event better. If you approach your event surveys strategically – and ask the right questions – you can basically gather unique data on your market, which you can then use to create your own, high-value white paper. Make it available for download on your website, let people know about it on social media, send it out to an exclusive email list, and repurpose your white paper into blog posts or other types of content. Interview speakers, asking them the questions that weren’t covered during the event. Instead of just making a list of topic areas, approach your repurposed blogs from a different angle. Basically, what was inspired by the action of bringing people together for one purpose? Segmented Email List Make sure you create a separate email contact list for those who attended the event. Don’t miss the opportunity to relationship-build with your past attendees.

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Get More Impact Out of Your Event with Repurposed Content

Most marketers will agree that events are one of the most challenging one-off content marketing techniques to successfully pull off. From creating the Twitter build-up and coordinating speakers, to getting the live video streaming to look professionally done, an event can require a lot of energy and organization.

If you believe your work is done when the last event swag bag is given away and the lights go down, you may be grossly missing the true potential of an event to market your brand. Which means you are also probably dragging down your event ROI, big time.

Events are meant to be the beginning, not an end. Through repurposing your content strategically, you won’t just keep the ideas and messages of your event fresh in your participants’ minds, you’ll find that you are cultivating a brand community, the seeds of which were planted when your event demonstrated the deep value and insight your brand has to offer.

Here are the actions you can take to leverage the full potential of the event. After all, your team put in all that planning, effort, and resources for a reason.

Use Instagram to Visually Share Your Event

Spread the word of what happened at your event through pictures. While it’s definitely important to use social media accounts to promote your event beforehand, don’t underestimate the importance of social afterward. In fact, with visual sharing networks like Instagram, you may even get more of an impact with your repurposed event content, just as sites like Twitter and Facebook are ideal for making announcements and building interest as your event approaches.

Should you create a separate Instagram account for your event?

  • If it’s a big conference or festival, creating an Instagram account that’s separate from the brand makes sense.
  • Also, for an event that’s going to happen again, such as an annual conference, or if your brand makes a presence at other events regularly, a separate account is useful.

You can post photos from the event, including highlights and thank-you’s to your attendees, speakers, and to those that helped make the event a success. Both those who were there and those who missed out may enjoy seeing what went on.

This is a great way to motivate some post-event engagement. If you do a good enough job keeping your event page interesting, you’ll already have an Instagram audience when it’s time to start posting promotional flyers and announcement for your next event, including your countdown.

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Use Your Event Survey Feedback…