Marketing to Millennials: 3 Simple Tips to Help Make the Most Out of Your Social Media Strategy

Marketing to Millennials: 3 Simple Tips to Help Make the Most Out of Your Social Media Strategy. As a millennial, I am constantly bombarded with marketing content. Here are three simple guidelines that are important to consider when creating a social media strategy targeting this group. Since we are constantly plugged into social media through our phones, it is important to be flexible enough to react to current events in a timely manner if you wish to use them in your strategy. Posting User Generated Content (UGC) is a great way to both encourage interaction and to include the voice of your targeted audience in your campaigns. Netflix shares the information their audience needs to know and presents that information in a meaningful way that encourages interaction. – Netflix generally only shares content related to movies and shows that are currently available (or soon to be available) for streaming. They can comment on and share clips of media they enjoy. Successful social media strategy should benefit both your company and the consumer by broadcasting your marketing message and entertaining your audience at the same time. Try out some of these tips for yourself and see if you notice better engagement with your millennial followers!

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As a millennial, I am constantly bombarded with marketing content. And for good reason. In addition to being expert multitaskers, having extremely short attention spans, and our skepticism for traditional advertising tactics, millennials, as a group, are:

How do you take this information and use it to your advantage? Here are three simple guidelines that are important to consider when creating a social media strategy targeting this group.

#1 – Content should be timely

Millennials are very sensitive to the timeliness of the content they see. Since we are constantly plugged into social media through our phones, it is important to be flexible enough to react to current events in a timely manner if you wish to use them in your strategy.

If a company waits even a couple of hours too long to react to an event, they missed an opportunity to be noticed by a massive number of possible consumers and instead are brushed off for being late to the game. As important as it is to have a consistent schedule for your social media posts, you shouldn’t stress about going off schedule if an event or other happening comes up that might be relevant to your brand that you want to talk about.

Bottom line, if you cannot take advantage of a current event while it’s still fresh, don’t bother at all.

#2 -Let your audience speak for themselves

Because millennials are a very skeptical group, we have an innate sense of knowing when we are being marketed…