The Masters Of Creative Selling: How Ogilvy Understands the Social Video Audience

The Masters Of Creative Selling: How Ogilvy Understands the Social Video Audience

Tubular sat down with Robert Davis, Head of Digital at Ogilvy, to discuss how you make brands matter in this intensely competitive market. And what we’re actually doing is using this kind of video entertainment, video information, to insert into somebody’s very linear experience. Robert: So what we’re starting to see is that people are preferring content related to what they’re into watching at the moment users actually want the ad content to be related to the content they’re watching at the time. Why is partnering with Tubular important to your business? One of the reasons that we use Tubular is that the data that we get is the kind of data that’s valuable to us in real-time and cross-platform. So any data that I can get, that shows me what’s happening in the moment, is very valuable to me. Brands aren’t used to building audiences. Robert: I honestly don’t think that we use data enough in the online video world. All of that data is out there. Let’s give the online audience the content that they want, and data can help us figure out what that is.

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When you think of agency powerhouses, you think of Ogilvy. Founded in 1948, Ogilvy is an international advertising, marketing, and public relations agency based in Manhattan with a presence in over 83 countries worldwide. Self-identifying as the “one doorway to a creative network”, Ogilvy provides clients with a range of marketing services, including brand identity, brand entertainment, creative design, customer analytics, and strategic planning, promising to “make brands matter in a complex, noisy, hyper-connected world.”

Unless you live under a rock, you will recognize the plethora of brands they work with – Coca Cola, Dove, IBM, American Express – to craft emotive campaigns aimed at driving effective purchasing behavior. One of my recent favorites is their work on the “Beautiful Real Moms – Baby Dove” campaign. So poignant, so honest and as a parent, so relatable. David Ogilvy said it best, “Advertising is not an art form, it’s a medium for information, a message for a single purpose: to sell. When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product”.

Tubular sat down with Robert Davis, Head of Digital at Ogilvy, to discuss how you make brands matter in this intensely competitive market. As one of the OG digital marketing masterminds, Davis is the perfect person to confirm how you need to deeply understand the consumer in order to create compelling content and maintain brand relevance. More importantly, he understands how to effectively measure and present this data to clients to secure future business. Below, is an excerpt from our interview and the full video.

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Tubular: What is the biggest challenge for marketers in video?

Robert Davis: One of the challenges in video right now is that we think about the marketing world as kind of nonlinear. And what we’re actually doing is using this kind of video entertainment, video information, to insert into somebody’s very linear experience. So how do we get the user to make the next choice? Whether it’s choosing another video, clicking on a link, going to brand’s website? How do we make our content fit into the linear path that they’re following?

Tubular: How is video being used disrupt the buyer’s journey and how Ogilvy is capitalizing on that?

Robert: So what we’re starting to see is that people are preferring content related to what they’re into watching at the moment users actually want the ad content to be related to the content they’re watching at the time. So if I’m watching sports videos, give me sports ads. If I watching a comedy show, give me humor. The question from the marketplace back to brands is what are you going to do that enhances my experience?

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