How to Create a Digital Newsletter That Really Generates New Sales

How to Create a Digital Newsletter That Really Generates New Sales

Newsletters can effectively leverage your email list into sales. Nail the Subject Line The biggest challenge in email marketing is getting people to actually read what you send them. Don’t bombard people with attention-getting content, as all this does is confuse the reader. It’s best to keep things simple and clear. Write Great Headlines Just like the email subject line is critical for getting people to open your newsletter, your headlines will determine if people actually read your content. People work hard for their money, and they try not to spend it away on silly things they don’t need. Obviously, you don’t want to overdo it with this but consider building more of it into your content and you should see engagement and conversions go up Make It Easy On Them You’re working with a very small amount of time to get people’s attention and move them into purchase mode. Instead, align your design and content so that your calls to action stand out and are easy to understand. Keep the design sleek and the content relevant, and this should help move people from their email to your website to make a purchase. Yet things are changing.

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Although we live in the world of social media, email isn’t going anywhere. It’s still one of the most popular forms of online communication, and there’s no reason to believe this will change.

Executive Business Case for Content Marketing

For marketers, this is exciting news. A digital newsletter is an excellent opportunity for you to connect with your audience to drive engagement and sales. And it’s also an effective way of building brand awareness and affinity.

Newsletters can effectively leverage your email list into sales. But you need to have a great newsletter to do so.

The average conversion rate is only around 1 percent, largely because people are inundated with poorly crafted email marketing. If you can create an exciting newsletter that gives people what they want, then you can turn this marketing tool into a powerful engine for sales.

Here’s how.

digital newsletter

Nail the Subject Line

The biggest challenge in email marketing is getting people to actually read what you send them. And your only hope is to hook them with an enticing subject line. There’s no silver bullet formula here, but there are two things you should always have in mind: be personal and be relevant.

People can spot overly promotional emails from miles away, and they’ll get ignored, or worse, marked as spam.

Think about why people gave you their email address in the first place. Was it for promotions or information? And what specifically do they want? Discounts and bundle deals? Or do they want resources on how to maintain the products they buy from you?

Do your research by first asking people what they want. But also do some A/B testing. Send out two different newsletters with different subject lines. Then, compare open rates. The one that does better is striking the right chord with people, and it’s what you should be pursuing moving forward.

Pay Special Attention to Design

If someone does open your email, you still only have a few seconds to grab their attention and get them to read on to your call to action. The design is critical for this.

Make sure your newsletter has a clear visual hierarchy. Each newsletter should have a specific purpose. Maybe you want people to download your eBook, or perhaps you are pushing a certain product. Don’t bombard people with attention-getting content, as all this does is confuse the reader. It’s best to keep things simple and clear.

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