This Is the Main Reason Few Entrepreneurs Achieve Explosive Revenue Growth Online

This Is the Main Reason Few Entrepreneurs Achieve Explosive Revenue Growth Online

It's time to focus on building a group of people in tune with what you put out. The growth of your business will be determined by the efforts you make towards your online platform and online marketing. While the opportunity is great, there’s a reason many entrepreneurs aren’t growing their business through the power of online -- they have not built their audience and don't have a plan to start building their audience. You can do everything else right with your growth strategies but if you don’t have an audience you don’t have a potential customer base. Most of the major social media networks want you to pay to reach your audience. You can't put all your eggs in the social media basket. If you’re going to build an audience that buys what you sell, you should be building an email list along with your social media presence and getting exposure for your business through the media. Building the best platform online is not enough. Don't focus too much on the building your platform, product, or service at the cost of not enough effort being spent on who will see and buy what they’re putting together. It starts with a good idea to build your business around.

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It’s time to focus on building a group of people in tune with what you put out.

This Is the Main Reason Few Entrepreneurs Achieve Explosive Revenue Growth Online

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You started your business around an idea — a way to help your target customers. It may be a brick-and-mortar type of business or you may have started it recently, which means the online component is huge. In either case, your marketing and lead generation abilities through the internet and social media are vitally important. There is a direct correlation between your online market and your revenue growth.

In 2017, ecommerce sales hit $5 trillion, according to Digital Commerce 360. In 2017, Amazon alone generated $178 billion dollars online according to the BBC. The numbers and opportunity online are staggering. The growth of your business will be determined by the efforts you make towards your online platform and online marketing. The number of potential customers using the internet will only increase as time rolls on.

While the opportunity is great, there’s a reason many entrepreneurs aren’t growing their business through the power of online — they have not built their audience and don’t have a plan to start building their audience. It’s the #1 reason businesses don’t experience explosive growth. You can do everything else right with your growth strategies but if you don’t have an audience you don’t have a potential customer base. Without that, you won’t get sales.

Your platform is not enough.

You can have the best-looking website, all the fancy software that optimizes your online platform, the best funnels, an impressive product or service that adds…