How To Jazz Up Your Emails With Rich Media (Inspiration From Brands That Are Nailing It)

How To Jazz Up Your Emails With Rich Media (Inspiration From Brands That Are Nailing It)

Take a look at the following emails: Image Source: Really Good Emails Here, one is a plain text email and the other one is an HTML email. HTML emails that contain visual content in the form of static images, animated GIFs, cinemagraph and video can add life to your emails and make them more engaging. Use attractive static images to support the message Static images can grab the readers’ attention more than plain text alone. Using attractive images that support the content will help you convey the message more effectively and get users to read and engage with your emails. Take a look at this email from Zillow: Image Source: Really Good Emails With an attractive hero image that supports the content, the email looks lively and the message is evident from the headline and the image itself. Hence, make sure the message is conveyed even if the GIF does not play. Here are a few examples of brands that are using GIF animation effectively in their emails. The GIF enhances the value of the message and entices the users to click through the CTA. Enhance the look of your emails with Cinemagraph Cinemagraphs are a blend of images and videos that create a more lifelike visual. You can either embed a video into the email or add an image and link it to a video hosted online.

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How To Jazz Up Your Emails With Rich Media (Inspiration From Brands That Are Nailing It)
Emails have come a long way…

From simple plain text messages for communication to one of the most preferred channels for marketing.

With businesses large and small using HTML emails as a primary marketing tool and technological advancements, emails have evolved into highly personalized messages in real-time with visually appealing and engaging rich media elements.

There are around 4.1 billion email users worldwide and the majority of them just skim through the emails that they receive in their inbox. Most email marketers are still trying to figure out ways to engage their subscribers and STAND OUT in their inbox.

Take a look at the following emails:

Order shipping notice email for rich media
Chewy really good email for rich media

Image Source: Really Good Emails

Here, one is a plain text email and the other one is an HTML email. While the plain text email works for B2B conversations, you will rarely receive such an email from a business that uses email as a tool to market and promote their products and services. The HTML email works well in highlighting the key information and conveying the message more efficiently, using elements such as colored fonts, links, CTAs, icons, and images.

HTML emails that contain visual content in the form of static images, animated GIFs, cinemagraph and video can add life to your emails and make them more engaging. Brands experiment with various forms of visual content to garner more eyeballs and improve sales with their emails.

Here are some tips and best practices to use rich media in your emails with examples from brands that use them effectively in their email campaigns to boost engagement.

Use attractive static images to support the message

Static images can grab the readers’ attention more than plain text alone. Using attractive images that support the content will help you convey the message more effectively and get users to read and engage with your emails.

You can add images into your emails either to illustrate something or just to add to the email’s aesthetics. But make sure you give a proper alternative text to all the images since certain email clients block the display of images and some may not download the images at all. Also, maintain the ideal text-to-image ratio of 80:20 and avoid conveying the message using just images.

Take a look at this email from Zillow:

Use attractive Static Images to support the message like email from zillow for rich media

Image Source: Really Good Emails

With an attractive hero image that supports the content, the email looks lively and the message is evident from the headline and the image itself. When the reader skims through the email, they only focus on the headline, the images, and the CTA, and the text is skipped.

Include animated GIFs to add life to your email

GIF animation in emails creates an illusion of motion and adds…