Why Custom Attributes are Essential to Lead Scoring Your Videos

Why Custom Attributes are Essential to Lead Scoring Your Videos

It’s 2018 and virtually all marketers understand the importance of adding video content to the buyer’s journey. Which is why you need to integrate video into your lead scoring models. Not only that but associate the right scores to the right videos. This is where custom attributes show up to save the day. So, what are custom attributes? Custom attributes are a way of tagging your videos with different classifications. The upside of using custom attributes is it’s scalable and completely automated, leaving more time for other important tasks. A tip is to make sure you run through a few scenarios and know your lowest/highest possible threshold to make sure the points make sense to your marketing and sales teams. Last comes setting up your new video lead scoring system in your MAP of choice, whether it’s HubSpot, Marketo, or any other MAP. So I hope this post provides you with good context on not only why scoring your videos is important but also how you can make it scalable as your library grows.

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It’s 2018 and virtually all marketers understand the importance of adding video content to the buyer’s journey. It lets you ramp up engagement levels and build trust with your audience.

Which is why you need to integrate video into your lead scoring models. Not only that but associate the right scores to the right videos. So if Bill watches a few minutes of your latest social video, but Sandra sits through a 30-minute product video who is the more qualified?

In other words, what video should be scored higher?

If you have a small video library you can score each video individually. If you want to ramp up your video strategy you need a scalable solution. Without one, you’ll spend the rest of your days chained to your desk (but hey, at least you’ll get caught up on your podcasts right?).

This is where custom attributes show up to save the day.

So, what are custom attributes?

Custom attributes are a way of tagging your videos with different classifications. Allowing you to create a general set of rules for different viewing activities. You can tag your players in custom and creative ways, giving you the flexibility to easily search and sort your content.

Spoiler alert: this includes your marketing automation platform (MAP).

The upside of using custom attributes is it’s scalable and completely automated, leaving more time for other important tasks. Not to mention you look like a hero for surfacing engaged leads that help enable your sales team.

Alright, so by now you’re sold on the idea that you and custom attributes are going to be BFFs forever. But how in the world do you set them up?

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