How to Increase Conversions From Your YouTube Videos

How to Increase Conversions From Your YouTube Videos

These tips are designed to help steer you in the right direction, get more people looking at your content, and of course, get more sales. Leverage SEO Marketing You may be surprised to discover that Youtube is the second most popular search engine on the internet. You can leverage this information to get more conversions on your website. Much like the Google web page variant, the Youtube Keyword Planner allows you to search certain keywords and phrases to see what is popular on the platform. But it’s not as simple as getting a conversion during a video. You must have a “click-through” strategy to lead the viewer where you want them to go. You’re going to want to make sure you follow the same formula for each image. The simple way to explain this formula is that custom images draw in more customers, and more customers mean a better chance at a click-through (as they say, every no is one step closer to a yes), and more click-throughs lead to more conversions. As more people view your content, they are more likely to be intrigued by your custom and intriguing thumbnails. You will not convert every single person who goes to your YouTube page, but you can increase your conversions over time.

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When you think of marketing, odds are, you think of sales emails, writing content, and ads. The truth is, there is a whole wide world of video marketing that can help you increase conversions.

Consider that about 78% of people watch videos on YouTube every week. That’s a huge chunk of market space begging for you dive in and get more sales. Despite this large number of viewers, very few companies take their advertising to YouTube. The door is open, will you seize the opportunity?

We are going to show you how you to increase conversions on your YouTube page. These tips are designed to help steer you in the right direction, get more people looking at your content, and of course, get more sales.

Leverage SEO Marketing

You may be surprised to discover that Youtube is the second most popular search engine on the internet. Over 1 billion — yes, billion with a b — hours of video footage is viewed on YouTube every single day.

People use this website to look up “how-to guides”, hear about the latest news, and learn about products on the market. Much like traditional Search Engine Optimization marketing, webmasters can target keywords that draw in an audience based on their browser searches.

Believe it or not, you can follow this same exact process with Youtube. When someone comes to YouTube, they are usually looking for a specific information. You can leverage this information to get more conversions on your website.

YouTube Keyword Tool Example:

Much like the Google web page variant, the Youtube Keyword Planner allows you to search certain keywords and phrases to see what is popular on the platform. Search for terms within your niche and try to find words with low competition and high search yield.

The key to successfully implementing SEO in your YouTube involves carefully using your chosen keywords in the title of your video, as well as throughout the description box.

Plan Ahead with a “Click-Through” Strategy

Once someone finds your video online, what do you want them to do next? This is an important question that everyone who markets through YouTube must consider….