Why Clean Marketing Data is Not Just for CIOs

Why Clean Marketing Data is Not Just for CIOs. Get the right people in the room to discuss marketing data issues and gaps and then take action. Spend time with your data governance committee to arrive at a set of standards for what the data should look like. Use the tools you have in-house already to set standardized data conventions. Utilizing the analytics your systems currently offer gives you a real-time view of your data governance efforts. It also provides your committee a baseline for maintenance and measurement. What critical data points are missing from your systems? Once you have the basics in place, it’s time to step it up a level and assess the quality of the data. Is what is contained relevant and of high quality or do you need to add a layer of people, processes and tools to fix this? While you may see data as critical to understanding the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, getting your arms around data quality today, will set your teams up for success in the future.

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It’s 9 a.m. on Monday, your team has sent marketing data dashboards from last week for review. Instantly you notice something is amiss. The numbers just don’t add up.
Marketing data gaps are unfortunately quite common. These range from a lack of reporting that highlights the most effective sources of leads to an outright inability to show the impact of marketing campaigns on marketing influenced pipeline and marketing attributed revenue. There is little argument that clean and complete data is critical
According to VentureBeat, clean data drives an average return on investment of 224%. Your CIO has been focused on data quality for a long time now. It is past time for you to join the fray.
Here are three steps to take now that will help drive the right conversations and turbocharge your ROI:

  • Form a committee. Get the right people in the
    room to discuss marketing data issues and gaps and then take
    action. In today’s business climate everybody owns the data. It
    isn’t a single department that holds sole responsibility for it.
    Start by talking to the various business stakeholders and gaining
    consensus for building a data governance committee. This group
    should be chartered with measurement, maintenance and management of
    the data. It should have a clear and measurable goal along with the
    resources (financial, tools, and people) to back it up.
  • Standardize and automate. Spend time with your
    data governance committee to arrive at a set of standards for what
    the data…