7 Roles That Could Make or Break Your Content Marketing Personalization Strategy

7 Roles That Could Make or Break Your Content Marketing Personalization Strategy

Maybe personalized content marketing is already a key component of your 2017 strategy, or maybe you’re getting started with content personalization and want to build a coalition of colleagues around to a personalization initiative. Additionally, here’s some guidance on how to work with each of them to execute your vision. How to get them onboard: When building alliances with these advocates, start the conversation with your customers and how much better their experiences will be with personalized content. How to get them onboard: Share the cross-channel vision of your ideal customer experience for content marketing and show them how critical email is for that vision. Paid media wizard These are your go-to people for distribution. They’re masters of getting your content out to the folks it’s most relevant for, and will be instrumental in the repeat engagement engine you’re building through your content marketing personalization initiative. How to get them onboard: Share the vision with them and how important the paid media piece will be for getting people interested in your content at the beginning, and repeatedly bringing them back with intelligent retargeting. They’re always thinking of the story to tell your customers and trying to maximize engagement with the brand. Executive champion These are the budget-holders, strategy-builders and most critical people to get buy-in from when taking on content marketing personalization as a business initiative. When you pitch them, keep it at their level, tied to their goals and specific about the business impact.

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Maybe personalized content marketing is already a key component of your 2017 strategy, or maybe you’re getting started with content personalization and want to build a coalition of colleagues around to a personalization initiative. Either way, you’ll need to align the right stakeholders to pull it off. These folks may sit within multiple functions of your marketing organization—and since your customers’ experiences with your branded content happen across all channels, it’s important to build alliances with colleagues who have expertise across all customer touch points.

To give you a sense of which areas of expertise you’ll need to execute a content marketing personalization strategy, we’ve highlighted seven key people you’ll want to partner with or eventually hire for your personalization dream team. Additionally, here’s some guidance on how to work with each of them to execute your vision.

1. Brand-to-customer experience advocate
Your brand-to-customer experience advocates are obsessed with your customers and their experiences with your brand. From the hard numbers to strategic initiatives, they’re constantly asking, “How does this help our customer?” With 74% of consumers becoming frustrated with irrelevant content, these advocates should immediately understand the consequences of a lacking personalization strategy.

How to get them onboard: When building alliances with these advocates, start the conversation with your customers and how much better their experiences will be with personalized content. These team members get excited by stories and numbers, so be armed with both when talking about how your customers will embrace intelligent personalization. Invite them to be your partner as you work together to buck the status quo and deliver the experiences your customers demand and deserve.

2. Technical Guru
These people get paid the big bucks to make sure your new favorite SaaS product doesn’t take down your website and lose millions of dollars per minute while you’re at home eating dinner. They’re absolutely critical in bringing your optimal content personalization experience to life.

How to get them onboard: Respect their value to the process by being proactive in including them for project planning so they’re bought in to helping you realize your vision of a seamlessly individualized content marketing experience. Be specific in your asks of them. Many are highly analytical and want to know exactly how they can help. They’ll typically favor the quickest, lowest maintenance, most secure and highest reliability technical solutions for executing your ideal content personalization experience, so make sure to factor these things in when you ask for help.

3. Analytics and KPI keeper
These people are the keepers of all of marketing’s numbers. They’re trusted with the results of all marketing’s hard work to influence customers, and…