Content Marketing: Making a Difference that Sells [Podcast]

Content Marketing: Making a Difference that Sells [Podcast]

Content Marketing: Making a Difference that Sells [Podcast]. Episode 55 of Landscape Digital Show reveals how to use content marketing to sell more business by making a difference for customers. This includes the conversations people hear and the experiences that are shared that casts a shadow that starts days, months, and often years prior. You have to believe content marketing works. Everybody sells something. The art of content marketing is putting some meaning behind that by showing your customers and potential customers and influencers what you stand for to cast the right shadow, one that engages people. Focus on the content that is now the most highly visible and that you have control over, which for most people will be your social media accounts and website. Analytics You have to monitor and measure your results and make adjustments to your trail of breadcrumbs that lead to the discovery of the products and services your business sells. Depending upon your approach, that may be exactly what attracts more customers to the great products your business makes. Call to Action The call to action for this episode is to take this simple, 5-step, content marketing approach to cast a shadow of content that communicates the great work you do, and thereby helps to sell the products and services you make.

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Episode 55 of Landscape Digital Show reveals how to use content marketing to sell more business by making a difference for customers.

Content Marketing: Making a Difference that Sells

For over 15 years, Seth Godin has been blogging short nuggets of information, insights, and inspiration every day of the week. His track record speaks to the power of content marketing for attracting an audience of people that you can serve.

Seth Godin says that we lay clues with our content that sparks change, thereby giving people permission to take action and acquire the things we sell.

Those products and services we make matter a lot, but first, they have to be discovered by the breadcrumbs that lead to their discovery.

This includes the conversations people hear and the experiences that are shared that casts a shadow that starts days, months, and often years prior. We’re all casting a shadow of some kind with our content marketing, but is it helping you stand out in a sea of sameness?

Content marketing is not for everyone for two reasons:

#1. You have to believe content marketing works.
#2. You must have a plan for making it work for you.

Everybody sells something. The art of content marketing is putting some meaning behind that by showing your customers and potential customers and influencers what you stand for to cast the right shadow, one that engages people.

That meaningfulness is a combination of what your customers want and how you are aligned with helping them get more of it. This may be what you sell, but it’s also what they believe in, which may include environmental stewardship, community involvement, and educating our future leaders.

Telling that story is something that I’m very passionate about, and I hope you are too because it not only helps people discover how you can make a difference for them, it adds value to what you sell.

You only need a plan for making that happen. Here’s a simplified approach that will help you to find the gaps in your approach so that you can fix them.

#1. Content Audit

The first step is…